Vacation Sucks!...Wait, a Hot Lifeguard? (17)

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"That's none of your business but if I was, what is it to you?" He closed his eyes and relaxed himself before saying anything to me.

Looking away at the wall he answered. "It means a lot to me. I don't even know where to start."

"You can start by saying sorry."

Ethan's face was masked with confusion. "Sorry?" Did he honestly not know why I wanted him to apologize? Guy's can be so stupid sometimes.

"Yeah, sorry." I stated. I wasn't going to back down until I get that apology.

"For what?"

"What do you mean for what? You lied to me about having a girlfriend." I said, aggregately. He seemed to understand what I was talking about now. He went from being totally cool and collected to frustrated and annoyed.

"I don't even know who the heck the girl is. She's not my girlfriend; she just showed up and said those things! I can swear on my life that I am very much single and the only way it will change anytime soon is if we start going out. " When he was done I had to hold myself back from smiling.

"And you really expect me to believe you?" Truth is I shouldn't trust any of these two guys. They both could be lying to me and I wouldn't even know it because I'm over here falling head over heal for this Ethan and trying to figure out how Joey fits into the picture.

"Duh, I didn't do anything wrong and I didn't lie to you. Let me at least explain what that girl told me."

He had told me a while ago I didn't have to explain anything to him because him and I weren't together. The same thing applies here. He doesn't have to explain, partially because I don't want to hear it and because I'm afraid of what he might say. "Like I said before you don't have to explain anything to me, it's not like we're together."

"This is different. I want to get together with you. Can't you see that? I didn't go above and beyond just to be friends. I was trying to get you to like me. I don't just do that for any girl. Not that there's any problem with being friends but you know what I mean."

"Okay fine, tell me."

"Well after the whole kiss that you saw and got jealous over-" Jealous? No that's when he went too far. I was in no way jealous. Well....maybe I was a little jealous.

"Jealous? Who said anything about being jealous? I wasn't jealous. I was just mad that you lied to me." This is one of those times I wish I were slick and cool. If I was then maybe I could come up with a better comeback than that. I just sounded like a pathetic girl in denial.

"No, trust me I can spot jealousy when I see it and you were definitely jealous. I'm not going to lie, you did look mad but you were jealous too." Great, so lying isn't an option here. I would like a boy who's can spot things from a mile away.

Changing the subject is the only way to get out of telling him the truth."I wasn't but continue on with your explanation. I don't have time for this." I had all the time in the world but being alone with him in this room doesn't do great things to my heart and my nerves.

"Oh, but you have all the time in the world for Joey? Is that it, you like him?"

Is that what he thought? He thought I liked Joey? "I didn't say that."

"So you don't like him?" His face brightened at the thought.

"I didn't say that either."

"Then what are you saying?"

Forget this. A conversation like this, with him, can't happen without it getting off topic. "Never mind this is a waste of my time. Let me leave." His hands were still on either side of me, leaving me between them. He was at an average distance away from me but even than I could feel the tension between us.

"No." He stepped closer to me, blocking my escape, almost pushing his chest against mine. My heart rate sped up and it felt like it was getting ready to pop out of my chest.

The first response out of my mouth to get away was "My brother is probably looking for me."

He smirked, "no I saw him running away from that crazy girl so I doubt he's looking for you."

"What girl?" I played dumb. I knew exactly what girl he was talking about. The stalker. The crazy girl who somehow found us. The girl who hasn't left us alone all morning.

"That girl in line with you guys earlier."

"Gosh that stalker chick needs to take a hint."

"And you need to take a hint too."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. I never lied to you and trust me when I say that Joanna means nothing to me. She told me she was paid to do what she did and she mentioned Joey's name." So that was here name, huh? Joanna. I guess Joanna is a pretty name...or maybe not. Ugh, I just hate her name. I hate it because it belongs to that stupid redheaded girl.

"But Joey said he didn't." I said, defensively.

"You believe him?" Ethan questioned. He had that look on his face that some people have when they want to ask if you're stupid or retarded.

"Yeah, um...wait, I don't know."

"Then believe me," he simply said. As if it was all so simple. There is no way to prove if he's telling the truth or not.

"That's easy enough for you to say. There are two sides of the story here and I don't know what to believe anymore."

"You know what? You're right. Go ahead and listen to Joey and have fun with the bastard too because if you really liked me or whatever you would trust me. Not jump to conclusions. I don't want someone who can't trust as my girlfriend."

"You have the nerve to say that I jump to conclusions? Like I said before, what was I supposed to think when she kissed you? That 'oh hey look that girl just kissed him and they don't even know each other even though she claims to know him.' I doubt you'd think that if you say some random boy come and kiss me."

"Yeah, my first conclusion would be that you lied but then I'd try to hear you out after that. Apparently you don't think the same way as I do."

"Yeah, I guess I don't!"

Without knowing it we moved our heads closer toward one another. His lips were centimeters away from mine and all I had to do was tip toe to lock my lips with his.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were staring at my lips," he chuckled.

"I am!" I blurted out. That was enough for him to lean down and kiss me. His kiss wasn't the same as our other kiss was. It was more rough and hard. As if he were letting all the animosity from our argument out on that one kiss and I happily responded to the kiss with the same exact passion.

But then the thoughts started to flow back into my head. First thing that popped into my mind is Joey.

I pushed Ethan away as soon has his image popped into my head. "We can't."

"We can if you let it happen you just have to go along with it. I'm not going to hurt you or play with your emotions like other guys would. " He emphasized other guys. By other guys he meant one in particular. Joey.


"Do you want to go out with me?"

A big bang startled us apart. The door flung open, almost seemed like the door was going to come flying off its hinges, but it didn't. I expected it to be an employee but instead a dumbfounded, Joanna stood there. What the hell is she doing here? Ethan looked just as shocked as I felt.


Sorry that this chapter is sooooooooooooooo short. I just have a lot of homework that I have to get done. It was either post on friday or take you guys out of suspense and give you this short chapter. =) So be a happy. =D


I love the song on the side the version by Glee. I like the other version too but yeah... --->

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