Chapter 48 (Part two)

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Another short chapter but hey at least it's something. I have a bunch of hw which i've neglected to write this short chapter so be happy =). Anyway most likely the next chapter is the last chapter for this story.  Don't worry i'll make that chapter fairly long even if i have to put a bunch of random things in that chapter...Please comment and vote. It would mean a lot to me.


"Why Becca? Why do you insist on making me life hell?" My shook with anger. Being so frustrated and angry at someone who I did nothing to almost made me cry.

As stuck up, evil, and mean Becca was I swear I never hated her more than at this moment. She twirled her hair around her finger as she smiled at me. "Because no one is good enough for my little brother...not even a goodie two shoes like you."

Where's Ethan when I need him? He could prevent me from looking like a total fool.

"Why am I not good enough for your brother? What did I do that is so wrong for you to go as far as to go out of your way to make me miserable? Please enlighten me because I'm sick of everything you do." I shouted, the man handing out the drinks stared wide-eyed at what he presumed was going to be an all out girls fight.

"Like I said before no one is good enough for him. The first girl he was ever serious about hurt him so bad that he was sad for weeks. No other girl is going to hurt him like that." For the first time I sympathized with Becca. She had to go through her brother's pain with him and she was there when he was the most vulnerable.

And then it hit me that if she really cared about him she wouldn't have hurt him in the worst possible way.

"Did it ever occur to you that the one who probably hurt him the most is the guy you're going out with? Maybe you're the one who's hurt him. You're over here prancing around with the guy that messed around with the girl he liked."

Becca's jaw dropped. "Joey didn't mean to do that. He didn't know she was with my brother."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes he did...I recall him telling me that he asked her to choose between him and Ethan but she apparently wanted both of them. See Becca you don't get your facts straight. You get half of the story and run with it. I may not be the best person in the world or the prettiest but I like your brother a lot and I'm not going to let you ruin what we have. Just let him be happy. He's old enough to choose what he wants and he chose me."

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled into someone's chest. I glanced up at Ethan's face, his smile lightened my mood a little but I still couldn't bring myself to smile back. "What's taking you so long babe?"

When his eyes met mine he frowned. "What's wrong? Why are you all wet?" He pulled away and spun me around to get a better look at me.

"What happened?" He asked as his eyes stared at the red juice stain on my dress. "Did you spill your juice on yourself or something?"

I didn't want to anger him by tell him the truth but I also didn't want Becca to get away with it.

Becca saved me the trouble of telling him. "No I did that...on accident of course."

Ethan blankly stared at his sister. "I seriously doubt this just accidently happened."

"Ask her yourself...she bumped into me...right Alexa?"

Ethan spared a glance at me and didn't even wait for me to say anything, I guess my face said it all.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him.  "Becca...why do you insist on doing stupid childish things like this? You ruined my girlfriend's dress." Ethan pointed out. "Does that make you happy in some weird evil way?"

Becca's face fell. "Ethan..."

Ethan didn't bother to hear his sister out. He held his hand up to stop her from saying anything else. If I didn't know who the older one really was I'd say it was Ethan, with the way he handled the conversation. "No! Becca I don't want to hear it. We talked about this the other night and you agreed to stop."

"I know...but...I couldn't let the opportunity pass me by like that."

"Maybe when you grow up I'll talk to you again but until than I'm done with you and your stupid boyfriend."

Becca was on the verge of tears. "No! ... I'm sorry... please...."

I felt horrible. It was my fault they were in this distant relationship between each other. "Ethan...maybe you were a bit harsh."

"Harsh? You call that harsh?"


"No, she needed to hear those things."

"Okay..." We stood at the entrance to the party.

We stood there in silence, I watched my parents make fools of themselves. They obviously didn't get the memo that this part was for teenagers only.

"I'm sorry she ruined your dress."  I looked away from my parents to look at Ethan. "It's okay...I guess."

"Why aren't you mad?"

I shrugged. "Because I'm over it I guess. I just want to go out there and dance with you." I said honestly.

Ethan looked taken aback. "You want to go back out there and dance?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Because your dress is ruined and everyone is going to see it."

"I've been through more embarrassing things before. A stained dress isn't going to kill me."

"You know I'm going to join you."

"Join me? What's that supposed to mean?"

Instead of answering Ethan walked over to an empty table and grabbed a half glass full of pop. He poured it on his shirt before I could stop him. "What the heck?"

"Like I said I'm going to join you so no one says anything stupid."

I grinned at my stupid cute boyfriend. He really is the greatest boyfriend ever. Not every guy who do that so his girlfriend doesn't seem out of place.

I stood on my tip toes and kissed Ethan. The kiss was fast and quick. He had a smirk on his face after I pulled away. "You're the best boyfriend ever."

"And you're the best girlfriend ever."

Ethan led me back to the dance floor and let me do something that no one has ever let me do. He did all the dancing for me, with his own two feet. I had the luxury of standing on his feet and pretending I was dancing for the slow dances. No one noticed the stain on my dress until Adrian came over and gave me a hug.

"Ahh why are you bleeding?"


"That red stuff on your dress."

"Oh no buddy she's just really clumsy and poured it on herself."

"Really?" Adrian's eyes widened with amusement. He laughed and ran off to tell my mom. When my mom met my gaze she glared.

I guess she's still mad about the whole leaving without taking a picture thing.

On the opposite side of the room I felt Becca's glare. If she could she would stare a hole right through me. Joey stared at Ethan. There stares made me uncomfortable.

Towards the end of the party Becca came over and stared at her brother with the puppy dog face. When he didn't say a word to me she turned to me. "I'm so sorry for ruining your dress, Alexa. Joey's sorry too for messing with you."

"I can say it by myself, Tink."

Becca elbowed Joey in the stomach. "I told you not to freaking call me that anymore."

He smiled at Becca. "You know how much I love annoying you."

Ethan grunted in annoyance. "Go away if you're going to staring at each other like you're the only people in the room."

Becca ignored her brother and grabbed my hands. "I realized during our little talk that you really are good enough for my baby brother. And I was too proud to admit it earlier." Was she really apologizing?

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