Vacation Sucks!... Wait, A Hot Lifeguard? (37)

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 I was startled awake by my father. Tiredly, I reached for my phone and checked the time. It was six am in the morning and I was awake. On any normal summer vacation day this would be the time I went to sleep. I got up and looked down at the ground. My dad was on the floor silently laughing to himself. I looked at him oddly. What was he doing on the floor with his toothbrush in his mouth?

"Why are you laughing, dad?" I reached out to help him up but he didn't look up.

"I fell while I was going to the bathroom. I'm sorry I woke you up honey." He chuckled. He kept his gaze on his "manly" slippers. When he looked up he scooted away.


"Oh wow..." His mouth went wide in shock. I looked behind me to see what he was looking at; I saw nothing behind me except a stupid looking vase with wolves on it. I looked back at my dad and noticed he wasn't staring at something he was staring at me. "What?!" I asked again. This time I was frustrated. What the hell was he staring at?

"You look scary...look at your hair....ahhh." He faked horror. I frowned. Dad chuckled, got up and kissed my forehead. "I'm only joking honey. Just a funny joke." He might have thought it was a funny joke but I was honestly hurt by it. Especially after the argument I had with mom and Jordan last night.

I looked at myself in the mirror as he closed the door to the bathroom. I didn't look that bad for having just woke up. My hair was up in a messy bun with random strands of hair sticking out in random areas but it was nothing to be scared of.

I went into the room I use to share with Jordan and went over to get a fresh new set of clothes for the day.

After getting dressed, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair I was ready to start my day and have an only me day. Away from this stupid mean family and away from stupid boys.

"Honey, where you going this early?" Dad sat in the seat I slept on with his blackberry in hand.

"Out." I said, looking at the door.


I turned around to look at him. "I don't know!" I said. Dad noticed the edge to my voice. Looking up he frowned and motioned for me to sit next to him. "What's wrong?" I sat down next to him and hugged him.

"Dad...I want to go home." I whispered. Dad rubbed my shoulders and hugged me back."Home? Why?"

"Because Vacation is horrible with you guys, you always do something embarrassing."

"I hope you mean your brother and your mom because I'm the cool one. I can't embarrass you or anyone if I'm into all that hip hop zippy bop home dog word stuff." I laughed. "Aww, there's the smile I always love seeing." Dad hugged me tightly. "Are you going to tell me why you're sad?"

"I'm not sad! I'm mad."

Dad sighed. "Honey when you're mad you're usually sad too. I know you sweetie."

My shoulders dropped and I looked at my dad. I felt like a little kid all over again. I always use to tell dad when mom was being mean to me and he'd make me feel better. "Mommy, was being mean." I said in a low whinny voice like I use to when I was a kid. I couldn't help but say it that way. It's the way I always talk to my dad when I'm sad and mad.

"What she do now?"

I stayed quiet.  Mom probably didn't mean what she said about wishing she didn't have kids. She was just mad but that still didn't make me feel any better. "She said she wished she never had kids..."

"You're mom didn't mean that though. All parents feel like that once in their lives but they don't mean it."

"But it hurt."

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