Chapter 41 (Pic of Adrian)

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Finally, I uoloaded! I know it's about time. So this chapter might be a bit all over the place and may have a lot of spelling or grammar errors since I wrote this so late at night but whatever. Just tell me about it and I'll fix it or you can look past it. Do whatever. I'm tired so i'm off to bed. Ignore this little rant...I tend to talk to much when I'm tired....Comment/Vote Please!


Jordan climbed back onto of the bed and sat beside me. He pulled me into a hug and held me like the nice big brother he can sometimes turn out to be. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are." I whispered.

"So am I forgiven?"

I punched Jordan in the stomach. "Of course, I can't stay mad at my big brother forever. You know I love you too much."

"And you know I didn't mean what I said? You better not go and try to get laid because I'll beat the bastard that ever touches you before marriage." Awkwardly I pulled away to look at him.
"Okay...okay. You're sounding a lot like dad and that's a little awkward."

 "What did you do to get mom so mad?" Jordan abruptly changed the subject. It took me off guard. I sighed, pushing my hair out of my face. "That's the thing I didn't do anything. She's just ruining this vacation all on her own but she had the nerve to blame us."

"Wow." Jordan watched me silently before asking the question I knew he would ask again.  Where were you all day?"

I bit my bottom lip. I probably looked as guilty as I felt. "Promise not to kill me if I tell you?"

Jordan gave me an odd look before nodding his head. "Promise."

"With Joey." I said quickly.

"What the hell? Why?"

Again I sighed. Thinking back I ask myself the same question. Adrian stared at the blank television screen. He wasn't paying attention to the conversation at all, he was deep in thought. Something that normally he wouldn't do. "I know it was stupid of me but I wanted to get it over with. He kept asking and asking and I thought that if I went on this one date with him that he'd stop..."

"Wow." Jordan nodded, looked up at the ceiling and then back at me. "Wait, does Ethan know about this?"

"Well we're currently broken up." Being kissed in the lodge lobby didn't mean we were back together. At least I don't think it means that we are. We hardly even talked before my mom ruined the moment and any form of conversation that would have happened if she hadn't interrupted.


"Long story." Was short for 'I don't want to talk about it.' Luckily, Jordan understood what I was saying and didn't pester me for any more than what I already told him.

The silence in the room was deafening. Jordan sat up, took out his suitcase and started throwing in clothes, whether it was dirty or not all together, unfolded. That bothered me but as long as it was his suit case and not mine than I was okay. "What you staring at sis? You think you can pack better than me?!"

"I know I can." I teased.

"I bet you can't!" Jordan challenged.

"Are you challenging me to a duel of the suitcases?"

"You bet your tail I am." Tail? What tail?

"Hey," I laughed. "I do not have a tail."

"You just didn't see it because mom and dad had the doctor cut it off when you were born."

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