Vacation Sucks!...Wait, a Hot Lifeguard? (29)

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I'm sorry it took me forever to post this chapter... comment/vote


"Becca, seriously why are you causing problems? Don't you know how to mind your own business?" Ethan took one look at his sister and another look at me. From what I can tell he was truly frustrated. Never in my entire life have I met someone so ignorant and selfish.

"You're my brother and you are my business." She countered. Poor Ethan had to grow up with this monster. If she was my sister I would have taken her to the ocean with the shark and left her there to get eaten. Maybe then she'd be much less snobby.

Ethan looked over to the towel stack beside him. He concentrated on the towels for a moment but focused back on Becca. "No, I'm not. You have your life and I have my life. I'm free to date who I want and you're free to date who you want. So please go find someone to date so you can leave me the hell alone."

Ethan reached out for my hand. His hand was warm to the touch and I couldn't help but smirk at Becca. I know that's being childish but for that slit second I wanted to piss Becca off even more then she already was.

"Ethan! I'm older then you that gives me the right!"

"Okay...tell me exactly what those rights are."

"Well for starters the younger sibling always has to listen to the older sibling!" Totally lie. I hardly ever listen to Jordan when he gives out commands. Occasionally, I do but that's only when I know he's right.

Ethan laughed. "You don't say?!..."

"As a matter of fact I do say. So stop making me look stupid. You're truly being mean to me. I hate when you do that!" Similar to what kids do, Becca, stomped her foot on the ground. She was in a middle of a tantrum. I've seen Adrian go through enough tantrums to last me a life time and I know that Becca was having one.

"I hate you! You're a mean younger brother. You're always mean!" Becca yelled. Her face was as red as a tomato.

"Whatever, Becca. I wouldn't be mean if you were calm and collected."

"I am calm and collected!" She argued.

"Tell me one thing."


"Did you really go through all that trouble just for me to see Joey kissing Alexa? Do you have no life other than the one where you ruin people's relationships?"

Becca's face turned pale white. She glanced down at her bare toes. She didn't meet Ethan's eyes as he stared at her. "Ethan..." Becca, whispered.

The way her shoulders slouched forward said it all. She did go through the trouble just to get Ethan to see Joey forcing himself on me. "No. I don't want to hear it."

Ethan squeezed my hand and I returned the pressure. I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I didn't mean for you to find out this way. I'm sorry. I...I only did it because I feel I'm losing you. You never hang out with's always Alexa this, Alexa that. We use to be close."

I couldn't form an image of them being close. Not even as young little kids I couldn't see anyone being close to her. "That's a load of crap." I muttered under my breath.

Becca whirled around to look at me. She stepped forward to get in my face. "What did you just say?"

"Nothing, I said nothing." I rolled my eyes at her.

"No you said something and I don't appreciate you making stupid little comments."

"Oh so I can't do it but you can? You make stupid comments all the time but I don't call you out on it."

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