Vacation Sucks!...Wait, a Hot Lifeguard? (15)

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Another longish chapter! 



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"What are you doing here?" Joey asked. "I thought you were busy being a jerk to Tink."

"No actually I was busy trying to get this redheaded bimbo to leave me the fuck alone and she isn't your girl."

"Ohhhhh, Robin he swore!" Adrian pointed out the obvious but then again he thought swearing was really bad.

"That's your fault for hooking up with her."

"I don't even know who the hell she is." He didn't know her? She seemed pretty cozy yesterday when she kissed him in front of me. Was he lying? Or maybe he was telling the truth.

"That's not what I saw last week. You two were getting kind of cozy in the pool and I saw you giving her kisses."

"What you keeping tabs on me now? And when exactly did you see all this stuff happen because I don't recall it ever happening."

"The other day..."

"The other day when? What time?" Ethan countered back.

"I don't remember."

Ethan laughed, humorlessly. "You have some nerve. Have you always been a compulsive liar?"

"What did you just call me?"

"I didn't call you anything. I asked you a question." Joey stepped closer to Ethan and Ethan stepped closer as well.

"You need to stop talking before you get your pretty boy face pounded by a real man."

"Aww, you think I'm pretty? Well sorry I don't roll that way." Joey's jaw tightened and he looked back at me and then at Ethan.

"Don't stare at her. She isn't going to get you out of this mess you created!"

"What is he talking about, Joey?" Instead of answering he threw a punch at Ethan and his fist landed on Ethan's cheek.

"Nothing, Tink." Joey yelled out.

I took a deep breath in to calm myself. "Stop! What the heck are you doing?" Ethan recovered from the blow quickly and punched Joey in the gut. Joey shoved Ethan really hard.

"Both of you stop!" Yelling out stop was doing no good. They both ignored my cries and continued being stupid.

"Leave them be stupid. If they want to kill each other over some stupid stuff then let them." Jordan cut in, nonchalantly.

"Jordan, you really need to learn how to act your own age. Seriously!" He shrugged his shoulders and turned away to stare at two girls getting out of a white Toyota. His jaw almost touched the floor as he stared at the girls.

"Take a'll last longer."

"Shut up!"


"Not now, Adrian." Looking back at the boys they were still at it.

Ethan shoved Joey back and caught Joey right in the eye with one punch. That would have a big bruise in the morning. "You think you could just pay some chick to pretend she was my girlfriend and I'd go with it like nothing? You should probably pay your clients better, Joey."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Joey yelled as he held onto Ethan's shoulder.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. She told me about the little deal you guys did and how much you were supposed to pay her." Ethan elbowed Joey in the ribs and this caused Joey to loosen his grip on Ethan's shoulder.

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