Chapter 44

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Short chap guys. Hey, at least it's something rather then nothing. New Cover thanks to DeadlylittleReader...i love it so much i dedicated the chapter to you =)


Becca's POV

What the hell did she think she was doing in that lifeguard uniform? I pulled myself away from Joey, gave him one last kiss before telling him I'd be back. My idiot bother stood standing there watching Alexa walk across the lily pads to get to the outer side.

I hope she falls. I smirked at the thought. Alexa looking like a complete idiot would definitely make my day. And my day was made when she fell halfway to the other side. I bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing.

"What is this?" I crossed my arms and when Ethan looked at me quizzically so I pointed at his girlfriend.

"Oh yeah, I forgot she's working here today. I can actually say she does your job way better than you ever did."

I punched Ethan in the arm, hoping to god that it hurt him. He didn't wince or even acknowledge that I hit him. He just kept staring at his half naked girlfriend. "She will never be me! I'm better than her." I pointed out the obvious.

Ethan laughed. "That's all in your head, Becca." He turned his head and held his hand out to help his girlfriend out. My mouth dropped wide open. Why wasn't he talking to me like a normal person? He can't ignore me. "You can't ignore me! Turn around and talk to me!" I hit my brother in the back, each punch harder than the last. And nothing. Ethan shrugged me off, still offering his little princess help.

I did the next best thing. If he didn't want to listen then whatever. I pushed him in the water.  Well actually I kicked him in. Just as quickly as I did it I regretted it because Ethan didn't just fall in. He hit his head against one of the hard plastic lily pads. Ethan groaned.

"Ethan?!"  I pulled my shirt off along with my shorts and jumped in after him. My lifeguard instincts kicked in. Ethan slipped into the water but Alexa caught him. He slumped against her with his head in the curve of her neck.

When I reached them I grabbed to take him out. "Ethan, I'm so sorry. I didn't..."

"Save it, just get the hell away from me right now!" He yelled.

But me being me ignored him. Of course he was just saying that in front of his girlfriend. "Let go of him. I have to check his head." I told Alexa truthfully.

Alexa glared at me and nodded her head no. "Give me him." I pulled on his arm but he wouldn't let go of her. "Alexa, let go of my brother before I get security to throw you out. I work here and I have connections!"

"I'm not the one who pushed him in."

"It was an accident!" I defended myself.

"Of course it was. You let just so happened to bump against Ethan so hard accidently that he fall head first into the water."

"It may sound hard to believe but that's exactly what happened and I don't have to explain myself to you."

"Becca, stop. Get the hell out of the pool and go away. You're making my head hurt more."

"I'll see you at home." I muttered through gritted teeth. I pushed myself up against the ledge and pulled myself up. I pulled my shirt over my wet bathing suit. Joey was standing next to his cousins when I found him.

Instinctively he wrapped his arm around me and flinched slightly when he noticed I was wet. "What happened babe?"

Joey snatched a blue and white towel his cousin was holding and pulled me to the side. He wrapped the towel around me and pushed my wet hair away from my forehead. "Why are you all wet?"

"I jumped in the pool to save my brother..." My voice trailing off as he rubbed his hand on my arm.

"Why would you do that?" Joey asked curiously. His eyes still staring back into my own with concern.

"Because I pushed the idiot in. He was being mean, Joey." I frowned.

With his thumb Joey smoothed out my frown lines and kissed me cheek softly. "Why was he being mean to you?"

"Why else because of his stupid girlfriend!"

"Do you want me to do something? Again?"

"No! I can't stand the idea of you going out with her again. It broke my heart the first time, it'll definitely break my heart the second. I don't want her to even look at you. If she does I'll claw her face. And you need to stop calling her the nickname you gave me. Or it's over!"

Joey smiled lightly, leant down, moving my hair slightly away from my shoulder and placed his soft lips against my neck. "I wasn't suggesting that. Not even dead would I go out with someone as boring as her again." He nibbled on my neck, causing my so moan softly. "She isn't my type. She isn't you." He trailed soft kisses against my neck up to my cheek. "I meant something along the lines of your first idea. Terrorizing her or something. And don't worry Tink that was just a front. She isn't my tinkerbell. You know you are." I smiled at the thought.

Thinking straight was out of the question with Joey's lips on me. He always knows how to get my mind off all the drama. Everything else he was saying was like a foreign language. "Babe?"

"Hmmm?" I arched back so he could access my neck easier.

"So what do you want me to do?" He mumbled into my neck.

"I don't want you to get in trouble." I answered truthfully. My dad would like him less if he got in trouble again.

"But I'm use to trouble. You know I am. I'll get in trouble for you."

"I don't want my brother mad at me..."

"He's already mad at you. What harm can making her life hell do to him?"

"I guess you're right."

He grinned. "I know I am. Now take off your shirt." Without asking why I pulled my shirt off. Joey smirked. "Now take your bikini top off."

I stared at him dumbfounded for a moment. "Are you crazy? I'm not taking it off for people to see me."

"It's only me, babe. I promise I won't stare.


"Just joking."

"Sure you were you pervert."

Joey sighed. "I just want you to be warm. Don't worry I'll close my eyes and I'll cover you."

"You promise?"

"I swear on our love."


I reached for the back string of my bikini. I felt the front of my bikini loosely fall over my front. When I looked up I saw Joey had kept his word. His eyes were closed tightly. I leaned up on my tippy toes to kiss his gorgeous lips.

He deserved a kiss for keeping his word. But the kiss escalading quickly, his hands slipped around me, pulling me even closer into him.

The towel that covered me started to slip and I had to pull away. "Look now we're both topless."

My cheeks instantly warmed at the thought but Joey being the gentleman that he is pulled his own shirt off and pushed it over my head. I slipped my arms through the arm holes of the shirt and pulled it down. I slipped my shorts off and handed them over to Joey.

 "I don't want anyone getting a look at my girl naked, do we now, Tink?"

"No." I breathed out.

Hand in hand I followed Joey to his car. I passed Nick on the way out and his stare felt like daggers piercing my back. Joey took me to get some hotdogs and fries and on the way I told him my new plan., one that surely had to work against my brother's stupid girlfriend.


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