Vacation Sucks!..Wait, a Hot Lifeguard? (2)

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By the way my face heated up I can tell my cheeks are a bright red. He reached out hist his hand towards me. "Alexa, get up from the floor and apologize to the young man for bumping into him."

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "No worries ma'am no harm done." He gave my mom a cheeky smile. She smiled back then went back to glancing at all the attractions inside the water park.

"You didn't have to bump into me to get me to talk to you."

"I didn't bump into you on purpose."


"I didn't! I just wasn't paying much attention."

"That's what they all say." I pulled myself further away from him. "Whatever jerk."

"Is that what you call all guys who are just trying to help?"

"No!" I say defensively.

"Sure it isn't, I'll see you around sometime sweet cheeks."

"Don't call me that and hopefully I don't see you around because-"

"Because you'll get jealous by the swarm of girls who surround me? Well, don't worry I can spare some time for you."


"Alexa, hurry up I'm hungry," Jordan yelled. I started walking away but I was stopped when I felt a slight pressure on my arm. I looked back and saw the hot stuck-up lifeguard behind me.

"Don't you want to know my name?"

"No, why would I want to know your name?"

"That's a bit harsh...and I hate to admit it but it's hurting my ego."

My face must have shown my confusion but I let my next words out like word vomit. "I don't give a rat's bottom about your ego, now can you let go of me before my brother comes over here to get me."

"It's Ethan."

"What is?"

"My name, I know deep down inside you were dying for me to tell you."

"How do you figure?"

"It was the way you were staring at me when you first bumped into me."

"I was not staring."

"Sis let's go!" Jordan was now hauling me away from Ethan. "Sorry dude hit on my sister when we're done eating."

"I better not see you near him again," Jordan whispered. "Don't worry about that. I'm way ahead of you." I checked my pocket for my phone and when I didn't feel it in either of my pockets I began to panic.

"Hold on Jordan! My phone."

"Don't tell me you lost it."

"Fine, I won't tell you." I ran back to where I had fallen but my phone was nowhere in sight. I went over to the lost and found and you'd never guess who I ran into. 

Ethan with the sexy short slicked-back hair. Ethan without a shirt Ethan. He stood there smirking at my dismay. "Lose something?"

"Give it back!"

"Give you what back?"

"My phone." He took out my cell phone from his pocket and held it in front of me for me to see.

"You mean this phone?"

"Yes, now hand it over!"

"How do I know this is really your phone?"

"It just can you give it to me!" I held my hand out expecting him to drop my phone in the palm of my hand any second now.

"No, sorry no proof then no return."

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