Vacation Sucks!...Wait, a Hot Lifeguard? (35)

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Finally I uploaded the newest chapter. =) Just a heads up it's extremely random but hey look at how long the chapter is =D (Vote/Comment!)


Angrier than I've ever been before I stormed out of the kitchen and followed after him. This had to stop and if he wanted over than fine but he was going to hear me out whether he wanted.

"Ethan!" I called after him.

"Why are you following me?" He yelled. By now we caught a few peoples eye but nothing very serious. His legs were longer than mine so I almost had to jog to keep up with him.

"Because you walking away from me when I'm trying to talk to you! You know very well there's nothing going on between me and Joey. You need to stop being such a jealous boyfriend!"

"I'm not jealous why didn't you just tell me about the damn kiss?"

"I was going to but you surprised me and I forgot all about it."

"Sure you did. That's what she said."

I stopped dead in my tracks. "What?!"

Ethan didn't turn back until he was inside the elevator. "Never mind." The elevator door closed and I was left confused. What the hell did he mean that's what she said?

"Hey, Tink. Having trouble in paradise?" I turned around and saw Joey leaning against the other elevator entrance. I turned around prepared to ignore him for being suck an idiot. I felt bad as it is and if I talked to him I would only feel worse.

"Get the hell away from me Joey. You have a tendency to ruin everything!" I walked past him toward the stairs to go up to the first floor lobby.

Joey of course followed me like a persistent little puppy. "Common Tink don't be that way. Let me kiss you to make it up to you." I walked up the staircase faster not hearing any of my footsteps against the floor because of the carpeted staircase. I was almost memorized by the patter of the carpet.

I turned around and Joey was three steps behind me reaching out to grab me. "Stop!"

"No, you've let me get this far with you why don't I just take charge? Isn't that what girls like? When I guy takes charge?"

Joey caught my arm and pulled me to a stop. "No! Now let go!"

"I'm not letting go until you listen to me!" Joey's voice scared me. He sounded like one of those demonic voices you hear in a scary movie.

I tried removing his hand from my arm but his grip only tightened. My arm turning red from the pressure of his hand. "You're not strong enough for that, Tink. Just one simple kiss. It's not like you have a boyfriend anymore. Dude is too hung up on having to share you with me and I can see his point. He had to share his last girlfriend with me too."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I pulled away and subtly took one step up the stairs.

"He didn't tell you?" Joey smugly smiled.

"Tell me what?"

He took another step up to get closer. "About Lily?" He whispered.

"Who? Who's Lily?"

"This information doesn't come free. I'm going to need something in return for telling you."

"I'm not promising you anything." I turned around and took another two steps up the stairs when he yelled out who she was. "She was a girl Ethan was going out with for two years and when she met me she totally changed into a badass. She wanted me but wanted him too so I brought up the idea of sharing." He chuckled. "You know the 'sharing is caring idea'?"

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