Part 17

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Sorry this took me so long to write😂 I hope you all like it. Also I know that Steve wasn't the bands original drummer but I tweaked that bit of the story so he is. It was just easier to write it that way😂💕


"Hello?" You groggily asked into the phone.

"Hi!" An exuberant voice answered back, sounding much too happy for it currently being 2 in the morning. "Is Kelly Nickels there?"

"Um yeah he is. Can I ask who this is?"

"Just tell him it's Tracii he'll know who I am."

"Alright, um, Tracii hang on a sec let me go get him." You told him, placing the phone down.

"Kells wake up." You said gently shaking him awake.

"Hmm what?" He asked with a yawn, rubbing his eyes.

"Some dude named Tracii called and is asking for you." You said slowly trying to get through to a sleepy Kelly.

After hearing that Kelly sat bolt right up in bed, suddenly fully awake. He quickly grabbed his crutches and began crutching his way to your room as quickly as possible.

"Kel what's going on?" You asked confused as you trailed behind him.

"I'll tell you in a minute." Kelly winked at you before picking up the phone.

You anxiously waited on your bed carefully watching Kelly's face as he talked with Tracii. Finally after a while he hung up and as he did you saw a huge smile stretch across his face as he joined you on your bed.

"Sooo what was that about?" You eagerly questioned.

"Guess who's in a band." Kelly replied.

"Oh Kelly really?! That's great!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around him. "See I told you you'd find another band."

"Well they want me to come down to their rehearsal space tomorrow and start learning the songs." He continued.

"I'm so happy for you! What's the name of the band?"

"L.A. Guns." Kelly answered still with the goofiest grin on his handsome face.

Seeing him so excited must have hastened your judgment because next thing you know you were leaning in and lightly kissing his cheek.

Kelly blushed and looked down before slowly getting up, wishing you a goodnight, and going back to his bedroom.

Shaking your head as you mentally slapped yourself you let out a loud sigh as you tried to get back to bed.



You jolted awake at Kelly screaming and almost had a second heart attack as you were met with Kelly's face inches from yours.

"Kel! Are you trying to kill me?" You asked sarcastically with one hand over your still racing heart. "What are we getting up early for anyway?"

"I have to meet my new band today!" Kelly gushed.

"And you want me to come with you?!" You questioned, excitedly.

"Duh of course I want you." He smiled as he kissed your cheek the same thing you did to him last night.

"Well let me just get dressed and we'll be on our way." You beamed up at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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