Part 16

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You woke up the the next morning in Kelly's arms. Smiling to yourself you looked up at his face only to see he was already awake and staring down at you with a look of something you couldn't quite place.

Smiling once he realized you had woken up he yawn as he sleepily said "Guess we missed the end of the movie huh?"

"I guess so." You said back answering with a yawn of your own.

"You're beautiful." Kelly blurted out, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

You blushed looking down. Kelly gently tilt your head up back up and kissed you catching you by surprise. Quickly overcoming your initial shock you deepened the kiss and melted into his embrace.

Breathlessly pulling away you slowly pushed him flat on his back. Hovering over him you asked. "You say you haven't been laid in 3 months?"

He hummed in response gazing up into your eyes almost lovingly if you were thinking wishfully.

"Well I guess today's your lucky day." You smirked.

"You don't have to-" he began but cut himself off as a moan escaped him when you started to palmed him through his pants.

You slowly slid down to his crotch and pulled his pants and underwear down. You stroked him for a bit before putting his tip in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it...

"WAKE UP FUCKERS." You heard someone scream along with the sound of your apartment door being banged open. You bolted awake to find yourself in Kelly's arms.

At first you were confused before you realized that Kelly never actually kissed you it was only a dream. Stupid fuckin dream you thought blushing as you gently nudged Kelly awake.

"Kells wake up."

"Hmm what?" He groggily asked.

"Taime's here." You told him.

"What fuckin time is it." He yawned.

"TIME TO RISE AND SH..." Taime stopped his screaming as he stepped into Kelly's room to find you and Kelly both on his bed and looking disheveled from sleep.

"Oohhh Kelly looks like you don't even need these balloons I got you. You already got a great welcome home present." Taime snickered wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at the both of you.

You locked eyes with Taime as you tried to convey your best 'If you say anything else I'm going to kill you.' Look.

"If by great welcome home present you mean Y/N talking about David Bowie's bulge all night then sure." Kelly laughed rolling his eyes.

"I don't even want to know." Taime said putting his hand up.

"Wanna go in the kitchen or something?" You blurted out suddenly very aware of your dream, your proximity to Kelly, and his bed beneath you. "If you're ok with it Kel." You said suddenly remembering he might not want to move because of his leg.

"Yeah sure it's no problem. I've been in a hospital bed forever I want to move around." He replied grabbing his crutches and leading the way to the kitchen.

"Sooo anything happen last night?" Taime muttered under his breath as you both trailed Kelly out of his room.

"No Taime we just watched Labyrinth and fell asleep thats all." You replied back rolling your eyes.

"Y/N you should just tell him already." Taime said a bit to loudly.

"Tell me what?" Kelly asked as he took a seat in the kitchen looking curiously up at you.

You could have choked Taime right then and there as you willed your brain to come up with a decent lie. "Ummm." You stammered. "When I was cleaning your room I saw the picture of you and your family." You babbled.

It was the only thing you could think to say in your moment of panic and as of right now you wished you could suck those words right back in.

"Ok..." Kelly said clearly unbothered.

"I'm sorry I know it was private but I was curious and I read it." You continued rambling because you just had to make every awkward situation more awkward by continuing to embarrass yourself. "So uh Mère... that's French right?"

"Yeah it is. Take a deep breath babe it's fine." Kelly said back empathetically knowing that when you were embarrassed you tended to ramble.

"Do you speak French Kel?" Taime asked nosily butting into the conversation.

"Oui." Kelly laughed.

At this point your embarrassment had melted away into shock at Kelly knowing French. "Say something!" You excitedly said. Momentarily forgetting about how you were going to have to beat the shit out of Taime.

"Tu es la plus belle fille du monde. Je t'aime."

"Shit Nickels that's pretty fuckin cool." Taime admitted.

"Honestly it's kinda embarrassing." Kelly blushed looking down.

"Awww no it's not I love the French language." You gushed. "What does it mean in English?"

For a second you could have swore panic flashed in Kelly's eyes before he said. "Umm it means you're a great friend."

Out of the corner of you eye you saw Taime roll his eyes at Kelly's response. "Good friend my ass more like great girlfriend." He mumbled under his breath.

"What's that?" Kelly asked having not heard him.

Before Taime could answer he caught sight of your murderous glare. "I just asked what we were doing today?" He lied deciding that being caught lying by Kelly was better than you kicking his ass even more than you were already going to.

"Nothing with you." You smiled, replying in your sweetest voice possible as you shoved Taime to the doorway and shut the door in his face.

You let out a sigh of relief as you got the pain in the ass out of your apartment before he could embarrass you any further. You'd have to have a little talk with him later about not fucking talking about you liking Kelly especially when Kelly was only a foot away.

A/N Sorry if my French is wrong I take French but I'm really bad at it😂 Also please put into google translate what Kelly said the the reader in French it's important😉❤️

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