Part 12

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A month. That's how long Kelly has been stuck in the hospital. You missed him beyond belief. Without him the apartment was eerily quiet and lonely. The doctors kept telling him he'd be out soon but Kelly didn't think so. You tried to go visit him everyday to keep him company. Sometimes there would already be someone in his band with him which was nice.

You were off from work today so you decided to visit Kelly earlier than normal.

"How's my favorite bass player?" You said as a greeting.

"I don't know how's Nikki Sixx?" Kelly joked good naturally.

You were both happy and relieved to see that his misfortune and all these weeks in the hospital hadn't dulled his spirit and his jokester like personality.

"Shut up." You laughed sitting down next to him.

"I'm alright." He responded.

You and Kelly talked for a while the conversation ranging to a variety of topics. When you heard the door to his room open you glanced up expecting to see a doctor or a nurse. Instead you saw Kelly's entire band walk in the door. At first you were happy to see them but then you thought it strange that they were all here at once... not only that but there was an air of sadness and apprehension about them.

"Hey Kel." Taime greeted.

"Hey guys." Kelly said somewhat confused.

"We just wanted to make sure you were ok." Brent said kindly.

"What is it? Come on guys just tell me." Kelly said knowing that something was going on.

"Umm well you see..." Brent said looking down at the floor not wanting to break the bad news to Kelly.

Taime pick up where Brent trailed off. "We got a new bass player."

Your eyebrows shot up at this news and you snuck a glance at Kelly. He kept his face blank but his eyes gave away his hurt and sadness.

"Oh um well that's cool." Kelly tried to play it off as no big deal.

"We didn't want to." Mark added in.

"It wasn't our choice man. We wanted to hang on for you, but the record company is a bunch of dicks and they want us to start recording the album as soon as possible. I'm so sorry man." Greg explained.

"Hey don't worry about it. It's all good you guys are gonna record a killer album!" Kelly said positively.

"Well we gotta go but we love ya man." Taime said as the band made their way out of Kelly's room.

Once they were gone you looked over at Kelly. He schooled his features into an expression of indifference but you saw the way the muscles in his jaw began to feather.

"Hey Kel it's alright." You said taking his hand in yours and trying your best to console him.


You were a little taken a back but you knew that he wasn't mad at you. Instead of reassuring him with your words you climbed into the hospital bed with him and held him as he shook and silently tried to hold his tears back.

"Shhh. Just let it out." You said pulling him closer to you and rubbing small circles on his back.

"Sorry." He whispered meekly into your shoulder.

"Kelly I know that you weren't yelling at me I understand. It's a shitty fucking thing that happened. You had to let your anger and frustration out."

Kelly's muffeled sobs slowly receded and you pulled away from him just enough to look into his eyes. You slowly brought your fingers up to his face and brushed the strands of hair away that were plastered to his face.

Damn you thought he still looks pretty after he just cried.

"Fuck Y/N now you must think I'm such a pussy." He said as he wiped at his eyes.

"No Kelly I think you're very strong. Crying doesn't make you any less of a man it just proves that you're human like everyone else." You reassure him sweetly. "Plus that's a lot to go through in just a few weeks... you're stuck in this hospital, you're getting operated on right and left, and your band just got a new bass player. Believe me Kelly that's something to be sad about."

Kelly didn't say anything he just looked straight ahead at the wall.

You added. "That's the first time I saw you cry and I've known you for a pretty long time at this point. Remember all the stupid shit I've cried at. Like when that bird we saw only had one leg... or when that dog was so low to the ground his stomach dragged." You said somewhat embarrassed.

"Yeah well that's different." Kelly said still not looking at you.

"What hows that different?" You asked adding. "I cry about stupid stuff."

Kelly finally looked at you. "Cause you were on your period of course you're gonna cry over that."

What the fuck! how did he know that?! "How did you know I was on my period!?" You asked surprised.

"It's pretty obvious I can always tell when your on it." He replied back nonchalantly.

You thought back to all your last periods and how you never ran out of pads and how you always had a bunch of chocolate. You'd never thought about that before. "Y-you buy me my pads and you get chocolate for me!" You said surprise how could you not have noticed.

"Yep." Kelly said booping your nose.

"Oh my god Kelly that is so sweet thank you so much!"

"Shhh be quiet I don't want people thinking I've gone soft." He joked.

"Shut up you idiot."

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