Part 15

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I really like this chapter and I hope all of you like it too💖

"Hi um I'm here to take Kelly Nickels home today." You stammered, nervously fiddling with your necklace. Looking up to meet the woman's eyes you were relieved to find it was a different lady than the one you screamed at on the night of Kelly's accident.

"Oh yes he's very excited to get out today. He'll be right out." She replied kindly.

"Thank you." You responded with a smile as you took as seat.

Not to long after you sat down you finally saw Kelly being wheeled out to the waiting room. As soon as you caught sight of him with his big goofy grin on his face all your worries that you'd unloaded onto Taime the day before seemed to evaporate into nothing. Noticing you in the waiting room he shot you a thumbs up.

"Will you be taking Mr. Nickels home today?" The nurse asked you as she stopped the wheelchair.

"Yes." You nodded trying to contain your excitement.

"Alright there's just a few things you need to know and then you both can be on your way. He shouldn't be walking far distances so it's better if you don't go out for at least a week. Mr. Nickels should also always use his crutches don't let him walk without them, and don't let him over exert himself it could cause his leg to break again." She informed you.

"I'll make sure he listens. Thank you." You replied.

Kelly slowly stood up from his wheel chair, took the crutches from the nurse and began the slow walk to your car.


"Fuckin finally!" He exclaimed as he reached your car.

"Well someone's happy." You laughed as you made sure he was comfortable in the front seat before putting his crutches in the trunk.

"You know it babe." He winked at you as you started the engine.

Kelly fiddled with the radio until he got it on his favorite station. "Oh hell yeah I love this song!" He yelled as he cranked up Angie by The Rolling Stones.

He started doing a horrible Mick Jagger impression as he sang along to the song. Joining him the both of you soon began belting out the lyrics.

"ANGIE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, YEAH." He sang pointing at you.

"BUT AIN'T IT TIME WE SAID GOODBYE?" You sang back to him.


When the song finished you glanced over at Kelly who had a big goofy smile plastered on his face.

You laughed as you turned your attention back to the road.

"What?" He questioned.

"Why are you a bass player when you could have an amazing career as a singer?" You joked.

"Hmm good point ya know I could probably become a lounge singer." He teased back.

"I'd love to see that." You giggled.

A comfotable silence filled the car. The both of you just glad to be in each other's company.

"You can just drop me off right there." Kelly pointed, breaking the silence.

You look to where he was pointing "A strip club really Kelly?" You questioned. "Plus you heard what the doctor said you're supposed to stay home for at least a week."

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