Part 8

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On your your way back to your apartment you stopped by Taimes place. You knocked on the door hoping that he was there.

"I'll be there in a minute." He shouted.

"Hey Y/N why're you here?" He asked opening the door.

"I need your help with something." You replied as Taime opened the door wider inviting you into his place.

"Where have you been? Ya know Kelly's been kinda off at practice... did something happen?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah. After you called me the other day  Kelly came into the apartment and he was sucking faces with this girl. And they went into his room and she was so fucking loud! Usually I just tune it out but I kept thinking about what you said on the phone and I let it get to me. Then in the morning she hadn't left yet and while I was making breakfast she came out, and called me a maid and was really rude.... so I punched her in the face." You ranted.

"Well that's good she got what was coming to her."

"Yeah except she went crying to Kelly and he fucking took her side!" You exclaimed angrily.

"What!? He took her side over yours?" Taime stated confused.

"Yeah! So I left and I've been sleeping on my friends couch for the past week."

"Aw Y/N that sucks. But if you ever need a place to crash you're always welcome here." He said kindly.

Over the course of knowing Kelly and his bandmates you and Taime hit it off right away, and had become fast friends. That was probably why Kelly thought that you liked him because the person in the band that you were closest to beside Kelly was Taime.

"Thanks Taime that's sweet of you... but I was wondering if you could help me out now?"  You asked.

"Sure. What is it?"

"You're a sleazy perverted rockstar. Right?" You asked half jokingly.

"Yeah you could say that." Taime laughed.

"What is the most perverted porno tape that you own?"

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Cause we're about to fuck with Kelly." You said smugly.

"Well I do like messing with people... let me go look." He said getting up from his seat and going into his room.

He came back waving around a VHS tape. "This one is pretty wild."


"Now what is this plan you have?" Taime asked eagerly.

Your eyes twinkled mischievously and you explained to him your master plan.

Taimes eyes were wide by the time you finished. "That is genius!" He stated. "And you are sure you're alright with it?" He added.

"100 percent."


You and Taime got back to your apartment and were waiting outside of the door.

"How do you know he's gonna be in there?" Taime asked.

You put your ear up to the door and listened. "He's in there I hear him practicing his bass in the sitting room." You said.

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