Part 2

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Well maybe you lied just a little when you said that Kelly was always easy to live with. Everyone has their drawbacks and unfortunately Kelly's was his drinking. He wasn't much into drugs thank god. But he was in a band so naturally he drank his weight in alcohol. Usually you attended his shows (if you weren't working your waitressing job) not only because you loved his bands music and wanted to support him, but you wanted to make sure he didn't get wasted beyond belief.

On nights that you weren't there to secretively monitor his alcohol intake you waited up for him to come stumbling out of a taxi or his friends car and attempt to make his way up the stairs and into your shared apartment.

It was on a night like that when you had gotten home from work at 11:30 at night but always being worried about Kelly you waited up for him. Finally at 2:00 in the morning you heard him stumbling in the apartment after hitting one of the numerous bars lining the strip. You quickly rushed over to help him so he didn't fall and knock himself out.

"Oh heyyy Y/N whater ya doin up?" He slurred.  

"Waiting up for your drunk ass" your sassed back. Before Kelly could say anything else you interjected. "Oh my god Kelly you smell so bad! And is that VOMIT on your jacket!"  

"Waa naw... I smell greaat" he answered back stumbling over the words.  

"Ok you need a shower right now." You said herding him into the bathroom.

"Can you shower by yourself?" You asked him.

"Ah course I can babe s-no problem." Kelly said stumbling through the bathroom door. 

  Dammit you hated when he called you babe! "Ok just don't slip and kill yourself. I would hate to find a place to dump your body." You said sarcastically. "Oh and don't call me babe!" You added for good measure secretly hoping he wouldn't stop.  

"Aww ya like it."

"Whatever." You replied back rolling your eyes as you walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind you.

You had only been out of the bathroom for 2 minuets when you heard a loud crash.  

"Jesus Fuck!" You exclaimed as you rushed into the bathroom to see what was wrong. You opened the door to find Kelly sprawled out on the floor with his shirt halfway off and him wiggling around on the ground trying to get the rest off himself.  

"Why my on the floor?" Kelly slurred looking around shocked.

"Oh my god Kelly really."  You bitched as you got down on the floor to try to get him back up. "God damn stupid dumbass." You grumbled to yourself. "Just drink all the time and fuck all these sluts." You continued. "Stupid nut brained pretty bass player." You continued to rant under you breath.

Finally you got Kelly on his feet and took off his cloths except for his boxers. "Damn it when I said I wanted to undress him this was not what I had in mind." You angerly thought to yourself.

"Ohhh babe da ya like what ya seee." Kelly asked raising his eyebrows.   

"No cause all I see is a stupid drunk who can't even take a SHOWER!" You exclaimed pushing him into the small bathtub and turning on the water. 

"AHH Y/N ITS COLD." Kelly yelled. 

"Yeah well maybe it'll wake you up a little." You said getting the soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Handing the soap to Kelly you asked. "Think you can manage to wash your self?" 

"Ay Ay Captain!" Kelly saluted as you looked at him as if to say seriously.

"Ok Kel I'm gonna wash your hair so don't freak out ok." You told him.  Dumping a generous amount of shampoo onto your hands you began massaging it into the bass players raven locks.

"Ahh Jesus sthat you? Why are ya touchin ma head? Kelly asked confused.   

You let out a loud sigh. "No Kel it's just me."

"Y/N I didnt know ya were Jesus!" Kelly exclaimed in disbelief.

"No Kelly I'm not Jesus I'm just washing your hair." You explained to him trying not to laugh.

You rinsed out the shampoo and began on the conditioner. 

"Thanks for takin care o me..." Kelly said sweetly. 

"Aww you're wel-" you began but Kelly cut you off. 

"Y'know I love ya." He expressed affectionately.

Your eyes widened and your mind began racing through a million thoughts. "He loves me? Should I tell him how I feel? No No No god Y/N how can you be so stupid he probably means it platonically! And he's drunk he wouldn't even remember! Stupid fucking brain." As you're thinking this you realize that you've stopped what you were doing and you were just staring awkwardly at Kelly. "I- um well that's very nice of you to say Kelly... I love you too." You finally replied cheeks crimson.

"Naw man I loovveeee youuu." Kelly repeated.

"Yeah ok sure Kel." You responded while rinsing the conditioner out of his hair.

"Ok let's get you out of the bath. Please try not to fall!" You said bracing for the worst.

"Pfft me fall please! Don't ya know Ima pirate! I don't fall I've got sea legs!"

"Ok there captain Kelly just try to get out of the bath please."

Kelly stood up he was a little wobbly but he managed to stumble his way into his room. You put out two Advil and a glass of water for him when he woke up because you knew he would feel like hell. Finally with Kelly taken care of you got into your own bed and slowly drifted off to sleep at 3:43 in the morning.

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