Part 4

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You had work today and right in time for the dreaded lunch crowd, but nothing could ruin your great mood because you were still feeling extremely happy from Kelly's kind gesture two days ago, and you were going to see Kelly play tonight. Today was just a great day all around.

"What's got you all happy?" Your coworker and friend Chloe asked you.

"I'm seeing Kelly's band tonight!" You exclaimed excitedly.

"Ohhh Kelly's band huh? So how are you and him?" Chloe insinuated.

"We're just friends." You assured her blushing and turning away.

"Uh huh ok." She replied with a knowing smirk on her face.

You rolled your eyes. "Don't you have a table to take care of."

You finally finished your shift and ran back to your apartment to get the perfect outfit together. You haven't seen Kelly's band play in a while so you were ripping through your closet to find the best thing to wear.

So far you had a Hanoi Rocks shirt, one of Kelly's leather jackets that you stole, combat boots, red lipstick, and mascara. Almost perfect except one thing. You couldn't remember where you put your favorite leather pants since the last time you wore them, which felt like forever ago. You began digging through your closet like a madman in search of your pants. "Oh come on! What the fuck did I do with them?" You asked yourself.

You almost had accepted defeat when you finally spotted them "Yes!" You practically shouted when you found them. You threw them on, flew out the door, and made your way to the Whiskey.

You walked in the door and was immediately met with the wonderful smell of sweat, alcohol, and vomit.

"God how do I always forget how bad this place smells?" You asked yourself while scanning the crowd for Kelly to no avail. "Ugg he's probably already in the dressing room." You thought glumly.

Instead of trying to get into the dressing room and having the bouncer think you're just another whore you decided to get a seat at the bar, and wait for the show.

You only ordered one beer (because you didn't want to get shit faced) and patiently waited for the band to start playing. It wasn't to long until they came onstage.

The show went great, although your eyes stayed glued Kelly and never really watched what the others were doing. You could tell that they would make it big someday and you would be right there with Kelly as it happened.

"Just not as his girlfriend." You thought glumly. "He would never fall for a girl like me."

After their last song they all went back to their dressing rooms to get changed.

A while later you knew they had come out because a herd of half dressed girls went running in the direction of the dressing room doors screaming their heads off.

You glanced over in that direction only to see at least five girls hanging on to Kelly for dear life. You gagged as you saw them flirting with him, and you had to completely turn away when you saw him begin to suck faces with one of them. You quickly averted your gaze as you could feel jealousy burning on your face.

You signaled the bar tender for a shot of vodka and dared another glance over at Kelly only to see he had disappeared with all the girls back into the dressing room.

"Fuck this!" You thought pissed off as you told the bar tender to keep the shots coming.

You were going to get completely annihilated tonight.

A/N this is really short but I have a better chapter planned next 💕

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