Part 1

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Ever since your roommate told you that she was going to move in with her boyfriend you've fervently been searching for a new one because holy shit was rent in L.A. expensive!

As you searched the add colum of the newspaper for what felt like forever you were just about to give up. Everyone that was looking for a roommate was a guy. "Fuck why the hell is there no girls." You exclaimed to yourself until you saw the name on the last add "Kelly Nickels. 23 year old looking for a roommate. Please call the number below." Talk about bare minimum geez. But at least it's a girl! You thought. You quickly circled the add and started the walk back to your apartment

When you got back to your home you rushed in and quickly dialed the number that was listed.

After a few rings a sleepy sounding feminine voice answered the phone "Hello?"

After a brief pause you started talking into the receiver "Hi! Umm yes I was just calling about the add you had in the paper about seeking a roommate." You said hoping she didn't already have someone interested.

The tired voice answered back "Ok and!?"

Jesus she sounds bitchy. You thought as you rolled your eyes. "Well I was just wondering if we could set up a meeting... maybe I could come over and check out your apartment and see if we can be roommates." You replied back to her.

"Yeah ok." She responded. She then proceeded to give you the address and hang up.

"Shit I hope she's not that much of a bitch normally." You mumbled to yourself.


The next day...

"OH FUCK NOT NOW DAMMIT!" You screamed as you waited behind some moron at a green light. "THE LIGHTS GREEN GOOOO!" You yelled and slammed your hands down on the steering wheel.

It was 2:15 and you told Kelly that you would be at her apartment at 2 and now you were stuck behind some idiot that clearly should have never gotten a drivers license to begin with. Out of some stroke of luck the car finally realized that green meant go and you were once again on your way to Kelly's apartment. When you arrived you double checked the piece of paper that you had written her address on and knocked on the door infront of you.

The door opened and standing before you was possibly the most gorgeous man you had ever seen. He had long black hair, beautiful brown eyes, and the best bone structure in the world. A few seconds after you overcame your initial shock you spoke "Oh I'm so sorry I must have the wrong apartment. I'm looking for Kelly Nickels. I called her yesterday and she said that this was her apartment, but I must have messed up and wrote the wrong number down! You don't happen to know which apartment she lives in do you?" You rambled nervously.

The man replied "No you have the right apartment... my names Kelly."

"Oh." You stated cheeks burning in embarrassment. "I didn't know that you where a guy. What happened to the girl I talked to on the phone yesterday?" You asked... uggg could this day get any worse. You wondered.

"It's all good man. It happens more than you think. The person you talked to yesterday was just some girl I had over... By the way I don't think I ever got your name."

"Oh um I'm Y/N nice to meet you" you said cheeks still red.

"Nice to meet you too. Do you wanna come inside and have a look around?

"Yeah sure I'd love to!" You replied after deeming him non threatening.


Kelly showed you around his apartment. It wasn't the cleanest but it was very impressive for a guys place. After the little tour you guys sat on his couch and talked and got to know a little about each other. You learned that he played bass in a band called Faster Pussycat. It was a miracle you had never heard of them before because they sounded right up your alley. You both decided that you got along really well and that you would move in as soon as you could. Both of you said your goodbyes and a week and a half later you moved in.

Living with Kelly was actually really great. You had been living with him close to a month now. He was respectful, nice, he always cleaned up after himself, and you loved hearing him practice his bass. You also may have developed a tiny crush on the bassist. I mean who wouldn't not only is he hot as hell but he has a great sense of humor as well!

Although you got along with each other you hardly ever hung out with him. He would either be out and about on the strip, playing a gig or practicing with his band, or at some girls apartment. That is if you were lucky if you weren't he would be at your shared apartment with a girl. Then you would have to crank up you record player and try to ignore the sounds of sex seeping through the walls and making their way to your ears. But this was Kelly's apartment first and you where not about to bitch to him about what you thought he should or should not be doing in his own apartment. Even if it was hard for you to hear your crush pleasing some slut. Kelly was nice about it though the morning after he would always apologize and ask if they where to loud. To which you would always reply with a well rehearsed lie. "No Kelly you were fine. No need to apologize." He would then say something and rush out the doors to go do god knows what. While you tried to stop your crush from growing any more... but it was a losing battle anyway.

A/N first chapter down! Leave a comment please give me some feedback 💕

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