Part 11

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You were almost an hour and a half into your shift when your boss called you into the back. You had gotten a phone call.

"Hello?" You asked into the phone.

"H-hey Y/N?" It was Taime and he sounded really shaken up.

Instantly getting worried from the tone in Taimes voice you answered. "Yeah what's going on?"

"It's Kelly."

You felt your heart drop into your stomach. "What is it what's wrong with Kelly?" You panicked into the phone.

"Please just come to the hospital I'll explain when you get here."

"O-okay."your voice wavered as you hung up.

You were about to ask you boss if you could leave early but she had already heard the entire conversation and let you out early.

Quickly you rushed out to your car and drove to the hospital.


You burst into the hospitals waiting area and made a bee line for the front desk.

"Is Kelly Nickels here?" You asked in a panic hoping that when he checked in that was the name he used.

"No visitors." You lady behind the desk deadpanned not even glancing up.

"No please you have to let me see him." You begged.

"No visitors." She deadpanned again slightly more annoyed this time.

You saw red. You had no idea what happened to Kelly and now this bitch wasn't letting you go see your best friend. "Listen here! I'm his girlfriend and I need to know what happened to my boyfriend." You growled hoping that she would let you in if she thought that you were in a relationship with him.

"I thought I made myself clear no visitors." The woman said again rudely.

At this point you were fuming. "YOU BETTER TAKE ME TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND RIGHT NOW! I NEED TO KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH HIM!" You screamed causing a scene. Usually you didn't like to draw much attention to yourself but god dammit you were going to see Kelly and if causing a scene was your ticket to him then so be it.

The lady finally looked up from her paperwork to find you snarling at her. She looked very taken aback which somewhat pleased you. "I- yes um right away." She stuttered.

"Thank you." You huffed out angrily.


She walked you through what seemed like miles of endless hallways when finally she stopped in front of a door that you assumed to be Kelly's room.

"He's in there." She said quickly scuttling back to her desk.

You took a deep breath preparing yourself for what you might see when you opened it.

Opening the door you stepped inside to be greeted with the sight of Kelly asleep in the hospital bed with his left leg raised up in a sling. His leg looked horrible and mangled. He was hooked up to multiple IV machines and his entire left side was scraped up and bruised.

Your breath hitched in your throat and you asked Taime in disbelief "W-what happened?"

He looked away from Kelly and up at you. "We took our motorcycles and left the party to go play. We came to this intersection and when we turned and I guess this car didn't see Kelly and it barreled right into him. He was pretty much thrown off the bike. Y/N I've never seen anything like it. It was horrible."

You gasped out loud. "What did he break?" You asked hoping to god he wasn't paralyzed or something. It was very obvious that his left leg was broken but your brain really wasn't working that well at the moment.

"He broke his left leg in seven different places."

"That's horrible." You chocked out trying to hold back your tears.

"Look Y/N I hate to just leave you here but I really have to go tell the guys what happened. They weren't with us. If you want I can stay."

"It's ok Taime they're probably worried about the both of you."

Taime got up and on his way out of Kelly's room he gave you a quick hug saying. "Y/N if you need anything at all or just want me here please call me and I'll come as quick as possible."

"Thank you so much." You said as he walked out the door. Say what you want about rockstars but at heart they're incredibly sweet and kind.

You took the seat that Taime was in before and held Kelly's hand in yours. You couldn't help but feel like it was your fault this happened to him. If you had just called in sick to work you both would have taken your car to the party and this would have never happened. With Taime gone and Kelly asleep you finally let yourself breakdown and cry.

"Shhh. Babe it's alright." Kelly groggily said having just woken up. You opened your eyes and hurriedly wiped them with the back of your hand.

"No Kelly it's not a-alright, and it's all m-my fault." You sobbed having failed at trying to control your sadness.

"What how did you come to that conclusion?" Kelly asked thoroughly confused.

"B-because if I went w-with you this wouldn't h-have happened." You managed to croak out between sobs.

"Y/N please don't think like that. You can't beat yourself up over the what if's in life."

"I never slept with Taime." You randomly blurted out. You didn't want Kelly to continue to think that you actually fucked Taime especially when he could have died tonight.


"I never slept with Taime. We faked it. I had him bring over one of his porno tapes and we played it and fake moaned and shit." You confessed to him even though it was incredibly embarrassing to do so.

"I'm not really sure what to say to that."

"I just wanted to let you know. It was a stupid petty thing for me to do and I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry Y/N it's understandable. I always bring chicks home and I don't really think about what you might hear I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing you jerk." You said sniffing. "I hope that you get better soon and are able to record an amazing album with Faster Pussycat."


You stayed in the hospital all night with Kelly much to his protesting. There was no way you were going to leave him.

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