Part 9

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The next few days were incredibly awkward to say the least. Both you and Kelly tried to avoid each other as much as possible in the small apartment. Not only that but you felt incredibly stupid... why would you think that making Kelly think you fucked his band mate would be good payback you just felt like an idiot. Also you had forgiven Kelly for siding with the groupie he had over... I mean you did punch her in the face and didn't even tell Kelly your side of the story, of course he sided with her he didn't even know the full story!

Lost in your swirling thoughts you almost didn't hear the door open and Kelly step into the apartment. You jumped up from the couch and basically began to bolt to your room.

"Hey Y/N?"  Kelly said awkwardly. It was the first words he had said to you since you had Taime over.

You halted and slowly turned around looking like a deer caught in headlights. "Yeah..." You said composing yourself.

"Umm can we talk?"

"I guess yeah." You answered making your way back to the couch. You both sat down on opposite ends of the couch in uncomfortable silence for what seemed like forever.

Kelly cleared his throat and began to talk. "About the other day... I'm sorry I sided with that chick instead of you. Especially when I didn't even hear your side of the story. I'm sorry that I jumped to a conclusion."

You were shocked when he said this. You had thought that he wanted to talk about the Taime incident. "Oh well thanks for apologizing. I should have explained what happened instead of just storming off. I'm sorry too."

"What really happened?"

Shit! You were not about to tell Kelly that you punched a girl for saying that you're to ugly to sleep with him. "She was just umm being rude to me." You said trying to think back on anything else she said that would not reveal your crush on Kelly. "And she called me your maid." You said suddenly remembering.

"That bitch!" Kelly said more to himself than to you.

"It's fine I over reacted." You reassured him.


The rest of your day went pretty smoothly, although there was still some tension between Kelly and you because of the wonderful idea you had to pretend to fuck Taime.

Kelly hadn't mentioned it and you hoped that he wouldn't... I mean what would you even say? Oh yeah Kelly since I was mad at you I just pretended to fuck one of your friends! I didn't really fuck him. Ugggg that just sounded pathetic and stupid. No way were you telling Kelly that.

"Hey Y/N are you coming to our show tonight?" Kelly asked snapping you out of your thoughts.

"I would love to Kelly but I have a headache I'm so sorry." You lied. The truth was you didn't want to watch Kelly with a bunch of girls, and you didn't want to get inebriated beyond belief again.

"Oh alright." Kelly said seeming somewhat disheartened. "I hope your head feels better." He added on his way out of the apartment.

"Thank you." You called after him. You felt a little bad not going to his show because if you were off from work you always went but you just weren't in the mood tonight.

A/N This chapter is all over the place and really shitty. It's pretty much just to progress the plot. ❤️

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