Part 5

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Kelly's Pov

As I was exiting the dressing room I got hit with realization. Fuck Y/N was supposed to come to the show tonight and here I was fucking around with these girls when I should be with Y/N.

"You stupid fuckin shit." I thought to myself as I quickly scanned the crowd for Y/N. "Maybe she didn't come after all." I sadly thought. But right as I thought that bingo my eyes landed on her right by the bar. I quickly rushed over and saw that some asshole was flirting with her.

"Hey Y/N. Who's this?" I asked.

"Ohhh is George! He's a shapeshifter! Right George?" Y/N slurred.

Oh fuck she's drunk as shit! I thought panicking.

"Who the fuck are you!?" George the supposed "shapeshifter" asked arrogantly.

"Her goddamn boyfriend." I growled back. Yeah might as well say that Y/N won't remember anything in the morning.

"Fine calm down asshole. I was just looking for some easy pussy." The fuckwad "George" said rudely.

"Well you better fuckin respect my girlfriend you piece of shit." I threatened angrily

"Ya... your ma *hic* boyfrien. But your so prettyyyy." Y/N said stumbling through the words.

"Yeah babe and we're going home." I said helping her get up.

"Bu whatabout George."

"Umm well George has to go. Maybe we'll see him some other time." I said hoping I would never see that shitbag again. How low do you have to be trying to get with someone who was clearly wasted beyond belief.

"Awh fine!" Y/N replied.

She went to take a step and almost immediately collapsed before I caught her.

"Whoa there." I said steadying her. "Ok I'm going to just carry you is that alright?" I asked she nodded so I picked her up briadal style and made my way out of the bar.

"Wow." Y/N said as she poked my face.

"What?" I asked.

"Your cheeks are *hic* are sharp." She stated tracing my cheekbones.

"Umm thanks..."

"Ouch!" She exclaimed.

"What is it? Are you ok?" I asked worried.

"No-pe I just cutted ma finger on your cheek!" She said laughing hysterically.

"Oh dear lord." I thought. "What made her decide to drink so much." I wondered and decided to voice as much.

"Y/N why did you get so drunk?" I asked hoping for an actual answer.

"Hmmm why'd I get drunk..." she said thinking.

"OH I KNOW WHY!" She screamed in my ear. "It wa because this pretty boy I *hic* like had lotsa girls." Y/N said with a nod. "N he doesn't like me." She added sadly.

Dammit! It had to be someone in my band. I had a feeling she liked one of them.

"Oh I'm sorry Y/N that sucks." I said comfortingly.

"Awww that's ok. I havea pretty boyfrien. I don'tneed anyone else." She stated firmly in a strange accent for some reason.

"Yo-re ma BOYYYFRRIEENDD!" She began singing which made me really wonder how bad her hangover was going to be.

When we finally got home I carried her to her room and put her down on her bed.

"Stay here ok I'm going to get you some water and Advil's."

"Mr. Boyfrien don't *hic* leave." Y/N said making grabby hands at me.

"I won't be gone long at all I'll be right back." I said reassuring her.

I walked back into Y/N room to find her tucked under her blankets. As I turned to leave she stirred.


"Alright." I said making myself comfortable on the floor.

"No up here." She slurred while patting the bed.

I hesitantly made my way onto her bed and laid as far from her as I could. I didn't want her to think I took advantage of her inebriated state, and tried anything with her.

Y/N startled me out of my thoughts by climbing on top of me and straddling me.

"W-what are you doing!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Thanking my boyfriend for taking me home." She said stumbling through her words as she started to grind down on my crotch.

I moaned and began to grow hard, but I quickly came to my senses and pushed her off.

"W-why did you do that." She said sadly. "You don't think I'm pretty." Y/N continued starting to cry.

"No no that's not it!" I said panicking. "You're absolutely stunning. It's just I don't want you to regret doing this in the morning, and I have to much respect for you to do that while you're drunk."

"Oh... you're not really my boyfriend are you?" Y/N said drunkenly.

"No I'm not." I replied wishing that wasn't true.

"Ya just said that to get that guy away from me." She stated slowly coming to her senses.

"Yeah. I'm sorry it was all I could think to say in the moment to get him away." I apologized.

"It's ok. Can you still say though?"

"Sure." I replied.

I slowly fell asleep that night next to Y/N. Wishing what I had said to that guy was true, but Y/N deserves someone way better than some sleazy wanna be rockstar.

A/N I tried something a little different and gave you guys Kellys POV 🤗 I hope that you all liked it 💕💕

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