Part 6

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"Oh my fuckin god." You thought as you sat up in bed. "What the hell did I do last night?"

You slowly got out of bed and turned around only to be met with the sight of Kelly sleeping in bed right next to you.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" You screamed waking up Kelly and probably half of your apartment building.

Kelly woke up right away "What! What is it are you ok?!" Kelly asked in a hurry.

"What are you doing in my bed what happened last night!" You said panicking.

"Nothing nothing  you were really drunk so I carried you home and then you asked me to stay with you. We didn't do anything." He said reassuringly.

"Oh I'm so sorry I don't know what made me decide to get so drunk I'm so sorry you had to take care of me. I hope I didn't ruin your night." You rambled nervously hoping you didn't do or say anything too embarrassing.

"You're good don't worry about it Y/N. You have to take care of me when I get drunk. It was no problem."

"Do you have any Advil? My head is fucking killing me."

"Yeah right here babe." Kelly said getting up out of your bed.

You were so hungover that you didn't even realize he called you babe.


By late afternoon you were feeling much better. But you still had no clue why you got that fucked up.

"Hey Kelly." You called

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Do you know why I got so drunk last night?"

"Yeah you said something about some dude you like was with a bunch of girls." Kelly replied nonchalantly from the other room.

The color drained out of your face. "Did I say who it was?" You asked carefully hoping he had no clue.

"Nah. You just said it was some guy... But I think I know who it is." Kelly said poking his head into the room you were in.

You almost choked on your water. "Who do you think it is?" You asked him praying that he was just bullshitting you.

"Taime or Brent. I don't know yet." Kelly said thoughtfully.

You did choke on your water this time. "W-what."  You sputtered coughing.

"Awe Y/N don't worry your secrets safe with me." Kelly said. "Unless you want me to set something up." He insinuated with a wink.

"NO!" You screamed. Was he just joking? There was no way he was actually that dense. Right?

"Ok ok fine." Kelly said with his hands in the air in mocked surrender.

"Shit! Hey Y/N what's the time?"

"Umm it's 4:21."

"Crap I'm late for my band practice." Kelly shouted rushing out the door.


After about an hour Kelly was still gone and your phone began to ring.

You picked it up and it was Taime.

"Hey Taime how are you?" You asked hoping that dumbass Kelly didn't set you up on a date.

"Hi Y/N. At band practice today Kelly said that he thinks you like either Me or Brent." Taime said "I can't believe Kelly is actually that stupid."

"What are you talking about?" You asked not quite sure where Taime was going with this.

"Well no offense but it's pretty damn obvious that it's Kelly you like." Taime replied back.

Your jaw dropped you didn't think that you made it that noticeable. "Is it that noticeable?" You asked.

"Yep. When you come to our shows your eyes never leave him. And Kelly told us that you got wasted last night which is obviously because Kelly had a bunch of girls with him." Taime said very matter of factually.

"Does everyone know?" You asked embarrassed.

"No.... Kelly doesn't have a clue."  Taime joked.

"I can't believe he's so stupid." You said more to yourself than to Taime.

"Hey if you want I could let him know..."

"NO!"  You shouted into the phone.

"Ok ok jeez calm down. I just wanted to call you and let you know that I'm sorry you're in love with an idiot" Taime said.

"I'm not in-" you began before Taime hung up. "Love with him." You trailed off as you put the phone back.

Just then Kelly Burst into the apartment with a girl attached to his lips. You almost screamed. But instead you calmly walked to your room shut the door, turned on your record player on max volume, and sat on the side of the bed Kelly sleeped last night, and sobbed as you heard moans coming from Kelly's room.

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