Part 10

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Kelly came back from his gig surprisingly sober and with no girls.

That's odd? You thought.

"Hey Kel how was your show?"

"It was great babe! There was this dude there that's with a record company so we might get a record deal!" Kelly gleefully said practically dancing around the apartment.

"Really Kelly that's great!" You said popping up from the couch and hugging him as tight as you could.

He hugged you back just as tight and replied. "Finally I'll have some money to pay you back for all the food you buy and stuff."

"Kelly you don't need to pay me anything." You said into his chest, breaking away from the hug.

"Yes I do." Kelly insisted. "Maybe I'll buy you a nice big house."

"That's sweet of you but really you don't have to."

Kelly ignored your comment. "How's your head?" He asked instead.

"My head?" You asked confused.

"You said you had a headache and that's why you didn't want to come to the show."

"Oh yeah." Stupid Y/N you forgot your own lie great job. "It's feeling better... I think it was because I didn't drink enough water." You mentally high fiveed yourself for the quick save.


You walked into the kitchen the next morning only to be met by the sight of Kelly already sitting at the table. You did a double take because usually Kelly didn't get up till mid afternoon.

"You're up early."

"I'm not hungover and I'm excited we might find out today if we got the record deal!" Kelly exclaimed happily.

"I think you're gonna to make it. You're an amazing bass player and your band is great." You gushed.

"I'm not that good." Kelly said modestly.

"Yes you are... don't sell yourself short."

Kelly huffed a laugh and asked. "Do you have work today?"

"Not until around 8 tonight. Why?"

"Wanna hang out. We never go out and do stuff." He said thoughtfully then added. "I mean we're friends shouldn't we hang out a bit more together?"

"What do you want to do?" You asked almost too eagerly but in the back of your mind you hung onto Kelly's choice word... friends.

Kelly took awhile to think about where you should go after a few moments he shouted. "MINI GOLF!"

"Mini golf?" You question.

"Yea it's so fun I haven't gone since I was a kid!" Kelly said excitedly.

"Aliright mini golf it is then!" You said back equally excited.


Both you and Kelly decided instead of driving out of the city to just go to rooftop mini golf.

You pulled into the parking lot Kelly jumped out of the car and practically ran inside like an excited kid.

"Hurry up Y/N."

"Ok ok I'm coming calm down." You giggled.


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