Part 7

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The next morning you got up feeling a little better from your crying session the previous night. You walked into the kitchen to grab some food. As you were making yourself breakfast who should appear but the Whore herself. She walked out of Kelly's room and immediately saw you in the kitchen.

"Oh I didn't know Kelly had a maid." She said rudely.

"I'm not his maid. I'm his roommate." You said calmly. She just wanted a rise out of you and you weren't going to give her that satisfaction.

"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "Get me some breakfast while you're at it." She demanded.

"You're a big girl I think you can get it yourself."

She ignored you instead telling you "Your roommate is a great lay. I assume you wouldn't know because you're not pretty enough to get a guy like him." She sneered.

"Fuck staying calm!" You thought as you got right in the whores face and punched her lights out. She started crying and ran back into Kelly's room.

From the way your knuckles were hurting you hoped that you broke that bitches nose.

Kelly came out of his room and you've never seen him look quite so pissed off.

"What the fuck Y/N! Why would you do that!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Because your little slut is a bitch."

"She just offered to help you with breakfast." Kelly shot back.

"Oh that's what she told you." You said glaring at the stupid whore. "Fuck this Kelly if you don't want to believe me don't." You said walking out of the apartment.

You'll go ask Chloe and her roommate if you can sleep on their couch for a while. You were sick and tired of always having to listen to Kelly fucking someone. Especially when he was being an ass to you.

You walked to the nearest pay phone thankfully you had some coins in your pocked. You fished them out and punched in Chloe's number.

"Hello?" She answered the phone.

"Hey Chloe it's Y/N... can I sleep on your couch for a few days?" You asked

"Oh sure it's no problem! But why what happened? Are you ok?"

"It's a long story." You sighed. "I'll tell you when I get to your place."

"Ok sounds good. See ya when you get here Y/N."

"Bye thank you so much."


When you arrived at Chloe's apartment you told her the whole Kelly situation. She understood completely and let you crash for a few days.

Eventually you had to return to back to yours and Kelly's apartment...

But this time you had a plan.

A/N I want to thank everyone who've voted and read this story and thank you for all of the kind comments I really appreciate it! ❤️💕💕🥰😊

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