Part 3

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A/N Kelly looks so fuckin cute in this pic... ok that's all enjoy Part 3 ❤️❤️❤️

Of course you had to have an early shift at work only a few hours after the drunk Kelly fiasco. You looked over at your clock it read 6:30 in the morning and your shift at the restaurant began at 7. Groaning you got out of bed to get ready. You already dreaded early mornings but with only about 2 and a half hours of sleep in, you felt like the walking dead.

On your way to the kitchen to grab something quick to eat you checked on Kelly to make sure he didn't choke on his own vomit or something. You peaked in his room and he was still asleep. You paused in his doorway. Admiring him in his sleep you thought. "Fuck why do I have to like you so much. You're so perfect." Sighing out loud you rushed into the kitchen, grabbed a power bar, and ran out to your car.

You arrived at work only 3 minutes late. Thank god your boss wasn't an ass about it. Your morning started off smooth. Almost all the morning customers were regulars stopping in to grab something before their jobs.

Then the afternoon crowd came in which was a whole different story. Like usual they started barking at the waiters and waitresses. "Hey I asked for the ketchup 5 minutes ago where is it! Can't you do your job!" Or "My coffee is to hot." And the dreaded comment that always managed to piss you off. "Why don't you smile more?!" "Why don't I smile more? Hmm that's a great question! Maybe cause I have to deal with assholes all day!" You thought angrily fuming to yourself.

Somehow you managed to get through the lunch rush without strangling one of the customers. And now you where on your way back to your apartment. As you walked in the door you were greeted by a very tired hungover Kelly.

"Oh hey Y/N how was work?" He asked.

"Don't even get me started it was horrible! Do you know this one guy asked for hot coffee and when I brought it to him he told me it was to hot! Can you believe that! It wasn't even that hot!" You ranted.

"Ah that sucks Y/N/N. People just don't understand that they can't treat waiters and waitresses like shit." Kelly comforted you. "Oh and talking about treating people like shit... look I'm really sorry about last night I don't remember much but judging by how hungover I am I assume that I was drunk as shit. Sorry for making you take care of me."

"It's no problem Kel. Don't worry about it." You replied. On your way to your room you decided to take a nice relaxing bath instead.

You got out of your bath an hour and a half later to find Kelly gone. "He better not be out drinking yet it's only 3:30!" You exclaimed to yourself as you were getting dressed in your room. On your way to the kitchen to get some food for yourself Kelly burst into the apartment with a bunch of paper bags in his hands looking disheveled.

"STOP!" He yelled almost giving you a heart attack.

"Stop what?" You asked in confusion.

"Just don't eat anything!" He exclaimed making his way into the kitchen.

"Why did you poison the food?" You said sarcastically.

"Just don't come in here and don't eat anything!" He yelled.

"Okay then..." you said still extremely confused.

Since you apparently weren't allowed in the kitchen you decided to go watch some TV. As you were watching MTV you could hear a never ending plethora of curse words coming from the kitchen.

"Hey Kelly are you alright?" You asked him concerned.

"I'm fine babe!" He replied back.

"Don't call me babe!" You exclaimed in fake annoyance.

"Ya Love it." He yelled back.

After about an hour of not being allowed in the kitchen Kelly emerged looking very discombobulated.

"Kel what's in your hair? And what's all over your cloths?" You asked.

Kelly looked down at his cloths. "Fuck let me take a shower." He said. "And don't go in the kitchen!" He added seriously while making his way to the bathroom

After about 10 minutes Kelly came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Your eyes went wide as you tried not to admire him. "Just watch the TV just watch the TV don't look don't look." You began to think to yourself. Kelly finally made it to his room and you let out a sigh of relief.

After a few moments Kelly emerged from his room and came to join you on the couch. After sitting and watching TV for a while you asked.

"What were you doing in the kitchen?"

"Oh shit I almost forgot!" Kelly said while jumping up from the couch and running into the kitchen. "Ok you can come in now." He yelled.

You quickly jumped up from the couch and practically ran to the kitchen to see what Kelly was up to. You reached the door and stopped dead in your tracks. "Kel what's all this?" You asked in disbelief.

"I made dinner for you." Kelly answered. He continued "I felt bad about last night and all the nights that you have to take care of my drunk ass. And you seemed to have a stressful day at work so I decided to do something for you." He said sweetly.

"Awww Kelly thank you so much!" You exclaimed rushing over and hugging him gratefully.

Hugging you back he replied jokingly. "Don't thank me yet it might taste like shit."

"Oh I'm sure it'll taste great!" You said breaking away from the hug to go sit down and enjoy your meal.

You finished the food, which was surprisingly really good and you voiced as much. "That was really good. Where did you learn to cook like that?" You asked. And then added for good measure sarcastically. "I thought that rockstars couldn't cook?"

"Haha very funny Y/N. I don't know I've always been alright in the kitchen." Kelly replied.

"Oh is that what all that cursing was about?" You asked jokingly.

"Hey! It's been a while." He said defending himself.

"Well thank you Kelly this is probably the nicest thing anyone has done for me."

"You're welcome Y/N, But I have one more surprise for you."

"What is it!" You asked excitedly.

Kelly quickly ran into his room and came back holding your favorite movie.

You practically squealed. "How did you know what my favorite movie is!!"

"I may or may not have asked the library what the movie that you check out the most was, and double check with your friends to make sure." Kelly replied sneakily.

"Wow Kelly Nickels went to a library for me." You joked making your way into the sitting room and onto a couch.

Kelly sat right next to you with his arm around you while you both watched the movie and you fell asleep in his embrace.

A/N Just some happy Kelly fluff for everyone. Hope you all liked it 💕😊

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