Part 14

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A/N I'm sooo sorry this took so long to come out 😂 I had writers block forever and I was almost done writing it a week ago but my dumb ass accidentally deleted the draft so I had to start writing it all over again. I'm not really sure I like this chapter but I hope all of you lovely people do 💖😊


Kelly was scheduled to come home from the hospital tomorrow and you were running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. To say you were panicking was an understatement. You had already claned the entire apartment. It wasn't as dirty as you thought it would be, but it was not clean by any means. You had also rearranged all the furniture so that Kelly could navigate easier with his crutches, and it was only 11:00 in the morning.

After you were sure the apartment was thoroughly cleaned and Kelly could freely move around you sat down on the couch and over thought everything. You had no clue why you were this nervous for Kelly to come back but you were, and the anxiety was slowly starting to eat away at you. Finally having enough of being alone with your thoughts you decided to call Taime.

"Hello?" He answered after a few rings.

"Hey Taime."

"Hey Y/N how're you?" He questioned picking up on the worried tone in your voice.

"Um Well I'm really nevervous for Kelly to come home and I don't know why. Probably because I'm going to have to be near him a lot and helping him out and I don't want him to find out that I like him, and I have been living alone for almost 3 months now, should I get welcome home banner or balloons, and what if I let it slip... I think I love him Taime." You rambled into the phone.

"Whoa ok Y/N take a deep breath and calm down. You're ok."

You heeded Taimes advice and took a deep breath. "You're right I have nothing to worry about."

"And if you're so worried about Kelly finding out you should just tell him. I think he feels the same about you."

"Nope not happening." You said stubbornly shaking your head even though Taime couldn't see you.

"Ok ok just a thought. Hey and if you want to get a welcome home banner I could pick up some balloons and drop them off when he's back."

"That sounds great anytime tomorrow would be good cause I pick him up early tomorrow."

"Alright sounds good, and don't stress yourself out Y/N it's all going to be fine." Taime said sweetly.

"You're right. Thank you so much Taime I'll see you tomorrow." You said back grateful to have such a good friend.

"Anytime darling." Taime said and with that the line went dead.

You sighed and placed the phone back down, and tried to relax like Taime told you to. After a few minutes you jumped out of your seat and shouted. "Kelly's room!" Okay so maybe you were going a little bit crazy.

You had forgotten to clean and rearrange his room so he could move around with his crutches in it. Standing infront of his closed door you hesitated a bit. You didn't want to invade his personal space. Eventually you decided to go in partly because you wanted to make sure that it was clear so Kelly could move and partly because you wanted to see what his room was like.

Opening the door and walking in you took in the trash pit that was Kelly's room. There was his leather and denim cloths thrown haphazardly in piles, records littered the floor along with food wrappers, and the icing on the cake was the bras and panties that were strewn all over.

"Oookayy..." You said to yourself turning on your heels and walking out. "I'm definitely going to need gloves for this."


Back in Kelly's room with your gloves on this time you began to pick up his records and stacked next to his record player while simultaneously taking note of his music taste. Not surprisingly he had most of the same records you had so you popped one in and began to singalong to it as you continued to pick up.

Next you decided to tackle the lingerie that was thrown everywhere. You collected all of it and folded it into a nice pile next to his bed. Who knows boys are weird and he probably wanted to keep it for some perverted reason beyond your knowledge.

Letting out a huff of jealousy as you folded the last piece you stood up and looked around at what you should clean up next. Deciding on the cloths you began picking them up and making a huge pile in your arms. "Oh shit where do these go?" You wondered out loud as you scanned Kelly's room. You spotting a dresser you walked over to it and opened the drawers to try and get a sense of what cloths went where, but Kelly just had them randomly thrown in any drawer so you chose the one with the least amount of cloths and shoved the ones in your arms into the drawer.

As you began shutting the rest of the drawers you spotted a picture. Curiously you pick it up before you had a chance to look at it you put it back down.

"Nope I'm not gonna invade his privacy and look through his stuff." You said scolding yourself.

But curiosity got the better of you. You didn't know much about Kelly at all, and maybe you could find out something from the picture so you picked it back up again.

Studying it you figured it was a picture of Kelly with his family. Your eyes scanned the picture and landed on Kelly as a little kid looking right at the camera with both his thumbs up and a huge grin on his face showcasing the gaps in his teeth where his baby teeth had fallen out. Flipping the picture over you exam in the back for any additional written information. You found a short note on the back reading. "To my dearest Henri I love you always- Love Mère."

Quickly you put the picture away feeling bad for reading something of Kelly's that was so private. You shut the rest of the drawers and got started on picking up the food wrappers that were littered everywhere.

Finally you were done after a good 30 minutes. It wasn't perfect but it'd have to do. Peeling off your gloves you grabbed a snack and plopped back down on the couch. Your brain began to run a million miles an hour again. There were two words stuck in your head from the picture you had found. Henri and Mère. You where 90 percent sure that Mère was French for mom which throughly confused you, and you were 100 percent sure that you had just accidentally found out Kelly's real name.

"Henri." You said out loud testing his name, and liking the way it rolled off your tongue.

Smiling to yourself you got up from the couch to go pick up the Welcome Home banner for Kelly.

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