The World is Ugly.

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CW/TWs: Canonverse/Canon Divergence/Post-Canon/Canon-Typical Violence/Blood And Injury/Aged Up/Pro Hero!BKDK/Heavy Angst/MCD/Hurt No Comfort/Sad Ending/Song Fic.

Midoriya and Bakugou have been working together for a while. They've been officially named the Wonder Duo even though Midoriya is number one and Bakugou is number two. They switch often, always trying to beat each other. This time they're in battle and it started out well until it didn't. They aren't stupid. They always have each other's back but even after years, after a war, people still make mistakes. One moment of not paying attention can cost you or another person their life. That's just how being a hero is. Bakugou not Midoriya would give that up and they would do all they can to protect each other along with other people. This time it was Bakugou's turn to protect Midoriya again because that's just what he does. The green haired hero was his partner after all.

"Deku, watch out!" Bakugou launched himself towards the hero and sent an AP shot at the villain

It took them down, but not before the extra had a chance to retaliate. The villain can transform energy into a deadly spear. Once it hits the target, it disappears, leaving a massive wound in its wake. In a flash, Bakugou gets hit with the spear piercing through his body then like it was said the spear and dissipated. Shock ran through Bakugou's body as he looked down at the large hole where his lung was supposed to be. He's sure the energy spear grazed his heart too.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled completely panicked as he raced to Bakugou's side

The blonde was only a few feet away from him. Kirishima, who was also there, was busy arresting the villain and calling an ambulance for Bakugou. He could see Midoriya losing himself, not caring about anything else, but Bakugou at the moment. He could understand. If that was Ashido, there's no way he could focus on anything or anyone else but her.

Midoriya fell to his knees at Bakugou's side
"Kacchan, stay still, e- everything will be fine." He said, his hand shaky hand hovered over the wound

He immediately snatched his hand back and grabbed a large piece of his ripped suit to use it to clot the wound. There was so much blood already. Bakugou's lung was compromised.

"Get off me Nerd, I'm fine." Bakugou tried to push Midoriya away and winced harshly

Midoriya pressed the wound harder, trying his best to slow the bleeding. Though it would do no good and they both knew that.

"But you're bleeding, you're not fine." Midoriya told him, but still concentrating on the wound

The taller could see the panic and worry all over Midoriya's face as he looked up at him. Midoriya always worried about Bakugou, about everyone, but never wanted anyone to worry about him. Which the blonde always thought was selfish. Asking people that care about you the most to not worry is just ludicrous. Bakugou could feel his life slipping away, but the man in front of him was so sad. It was hard to breathe.

"Do- Don't worry Kacchan, I- I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. You're gonna be fine." Midoriya told him with a wobbly closed mouth smile

Bakugou could still hear how scared he was. He assumed the reality of the situation was hitting Midoriya and hitting him harder than anything else. The larger noticed the tears breaching Midoriya's bottom lids.

"Izuku... stop, it's... not gonna work." Bakugou grabbed his wrist

"I can't!" Midoriya shouted then gulped, obviously trying not to cry

Bakugou flinched when the other yelled, but let go of his wrist immediately.

"You'll be f- fine once the ambulance gets here." Midoriya focus on the wound again a small thin tear rolled down his face

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