I Want You To Want Me.

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CW/TWs: Canonverse/Post-Canon/Aged Up/Pro Hero!BKDK/Established Relationship/Mild Smut/Crack/Ambiguous or Open Ending/Happy Ending/Song Fic.

Bakugou tossed and turned until his eyes shot open. His brows scowled at the wall across from him. He hoped his glare could burn a hole through it.

"Fuck, it's too hot to sleep." He huffed, shoving his sheets off his naked body making them slide to the floor

He worked a long shift last night and slept about four hours until he woke up just a few minutes ago. It gets pretty hot during the summer which is good for his quirk, but not when he's trying to sleep after an extended night of working his ass off. He tossed and turned a few more times before completely giving up on sleeping any longer. It was just too damn hot for him.

"Ugh, I can't take it no more. It's a hundred degrees in here!" Bakugou said in distress as he swung his legs over the side his bed to sit for a few moments

He sighed irritatedly then got up. The blonde walked over to his closet to get clothes so he wasn't walking around butt ass naked. He pulled out a red tank top and some black athletic shorts. Which weren't really his style, but they were the breezest articles of clothing he owned so he had to resort to desperate measures of looking unfashionable. He put his clothes on still grumbling about how hot it is until his phone lit up with a ding. The blonde picked it up to see none other than Midoriya Izuku had texted him.

"Hey Kacchan, you should come over to my new apartment today!" Midoriya sent a blushing close eyed smiley face with his text

Bakugou rolled his eyes at the other's obvious excitement about the new living space he bought a few days ago. The taller hadn't seen the place yet nor has he had the time to go visit with his and Midoriya's busy schedule that almost never matched up, except on weekends.

"There gonna be extras there?" Bakugou texted back with a yellow frowning emoji

Midoriya didn't think he would text back so soon. He was pretty sure Bakugou worked last night, but maybe he slept enough. It was late in the afternoon after all. The blonde only had to wait a few seconds for a reply. Midoriya was quick like that and the smaller knew Bakugou wasn't a patient man.

"Nope." Midoriya sent back with a smiley face

Bakugou frowned, then it morphed into a grin.
"Alright, I'll be over in a few." He texted back with a winking emoji and hit the lock-screen button

After shoving it in his shorts' pocket, the blonde looked around his room for his shoes. Once he found them, he slipped them on, not even bothering to wrestle with socks. Bakugou's phone dinged again so he sighed, pulling his phone out as he walked into the living room.

"Here's my address! 715-2013. Minato-ku, Tokyo-to, Roppongichou, All Might apartments 420. I'm on the top floor." Midoriya sent with a blushing kissy face

Bakugou chuckled of course he moved to the All Might district. It was near the older blonde's agency where Midoriya worked. All Might built a lot of apartments and stores near it to help out the town which is much larger today. Bakugou found a pen and paper to jot down the new address and after he was done he put both items back in his pocket. He immediately walked to his door and realized he forgot two items you should never leave the house without.

"Shit, where're my keys?" Bakugou patted his pockets like they would be there

Then he spotted them on the kitchen counter next to his wallet. The blonde snatched them both up quickly because he had to leave. Can't be late, even though there was no set time he needed to be at Midoriya's new place. He made it downstairs and hailed a cab while he stood on the sidewalk near the street. One stopped for him, he greeted the driver handing them the address and money with a tip ahead of time because he already calculated how much it would cost.

"Get me there fast." Bakugou said more like a demand

The driver nodded silently and took off. It would still be a while, atleast thirty minutes. So the blonde sat back thinking about Midoriya. They've been dating for a few months now, but they haven't gone any further than steamy makeout sessions. Not that they have to, but when Bakugou has Midoriya's body on his mind, he wants it so bad and this is one of those times. Just the thought of Midoriya and his body gets him so high. The taller smirked, biting his lip and shook his head trying to make the inappropriate thoughts go away. He couldn't pop a boner in public, that's bad for PR. They were only nineteen, fresh out of high school, so a public indecency scandal would just be bad for business. That's more up Mineta's alley anyway.

The driver makes it to Midoriya's apartment complex and Bakugou gets out, giving his thanks to the person as he shuts the door. The building was tall of course. It had about a million floors and the smaller was penthouse material. So Bakugou walked into the lobby to tell them why he was there before he headed to the elevator. It took him all the way to the top and when the doors opened, he stepped off. The taller walked down the hallway that had a wall of windows, letting the sun shine right on any attendees or visitors passing through. The hot sun was still hitting his body as he looked at the apartment numbers on each door.

Midoriya was at the very end, unfortunately. Bakugou knocked twice and waited for the shorter to answer. He flinched, eyes going wide as he took in the sight of the shorter opening the door wearing nothing but a smile. Bakugou eyes trailed across Midoriya's toned body from his cute face down to the floor. Was he panting? He thinks he was at least drooling for the other man as he gulped. Midoriya was clearly embarrassed as he looked past the blonde to make sure no one was peeping before leaning forward since the other was frozen in place.

"Kacchan, I'm yours." He whispered in his ear, then leaned back

His blush deepened as he grabbed Bakugou wrist pulling him inside the apartment. The blonde, finally gaining control over his body parts, followed Midoriya inside with a predatory grin and kicked the door shut behind him.

"Kacchan, you're the one, I want to want me." Midoriya told him with a sheepish smile, holding Bakugou's hand in both of his

Bakugou walked closer, caressing the side of the other's face with his free hand.
"Well if you want, me. Deku, you got me." He leaned down, pressing his lips on Midoriya's as they slowly made their way to the bedroom

It was time to christen the new apartment. It was hot, it was sweaty, but god was it the time of their lives.

[END] Thank you so much for reading! Star and follow for more content 😊.

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