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CW/TWs: Canonverse/Canon Divergence/Canon-Typical Violence/Angst/Hurt Comfort/Fluff/Mutual Pining/Manga Spoilers From Chapter 298 And On/Ambiguous or Open Ending/Happy Ending.

Midoriya shot up out of bed, heart pounding, chest heaving, and his eyes were blown wide. It happened again, he had had another nightmare. He's had the same one every night since he woke up from his coma and every time it was a vision of Bakugou, suspended in mid air, and ran through with deadly, spidery sharp tendrils. The blonde had done the unthinkable, at least to most people that's what they would say, especially to Midoriya. Bakugou nearly sacrificed his life for the smaller, he almost died for him, he almost died protecting Midoriya. Out of all the people there, he took a hit for his ex-childhood friend.

Before he fell to the ground, he told Midoriya to "Stop trying to win this on your own!" In reference to the battle, but also to the shorter as a person. Unfortunately, he's too much like All Might and Bakugou knew that. Previously, Midoriya had a hard time understanding the taller at times but in that moment, he knew Bakugou meant that he wanted him to rely on others more often, to rely on him more often. The image never left his retinas after the battle so once he woke up from his coma and started sleeping appropriately, sort of, it was there to haunt him.

Midoriya sat on the edge of his bed, lip wobbling, and quivering as his eyes started to pool with tears then pour down his face like a dam had burst. Bakugou was willing to put his life on the line for him. He felt both happy and sad because of it. Happy because the blonde cared. Sad because Bakugou could have died. And it's the truth, the taller could have died that day, they both almost did. Many people did die that day, but they were lucky and survived. Midoriya wiped his eyes roughly and lethargically dragged himself up out of bed with a sniffle, he was a little wobbly on his feet from crying and from sleep.

It's the seventh night he's had that dream, that nightmare, and he can't take it anymore. This time he has to check, he has to make sure Bakugou is okay. That he's still alive and well, as well as they can be that is. So Midoriya quietly exited his room, continuing to sob softly, but trying to keep it at bay so as to not wake his classmates. As he drew closer to the elevator at the end of the hall, the tears didn't stop. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make them subside until he went back to sleep and woke up for school the next day. After pressing the button, he stepped inside the elevator with a wet hiccup when the door opened.

Then pressed the button for the fourth floor, the floor where Bakugou resides, elevator lifted from his floor to the blonde's in just a few minutes. To Midoriya though, those minutes felt like hours, days, months, even years without seeing if Bakugou was okay, if his heart was beating. The doors parted with an airy woosh and a ding signaling Midoriya had arrived at his requested destination alerted him. The fourth floor where Midoriya could finally see if Bakugou was really okay. If the taller was breathing, if the blonde's heart was still beating, if Bakugou was alive.

The hall was almost pitch black like his dorm hallway before he boarded the elevator, but he knew the other's room was the first one on that floor. Midoriya wiped his tired eyes again and took out his phone before he used the light from the screen to illuminate the name plate. It wasn't because he thought he might be at the wrong room, but to see if it was taken down or changed. Once Midoriya's watery eyes read the silver name plate, he let out a shaky breath, and put his phone away. It still said Bakugou Katsuki in Kanji with Braille just underneath.

But that's not enough, it would never be enough reassurance for Midoriya. He needed to see the owner of that name plate, the person that inhabited the dorm room. He needed to see Bakugou Katsuki, Kacchan. So he knocked twice and waited with a wet sniffle, but no answer came. Midoriya shouldn't knock again, but he started to feel dread crawl through his veins and squeeze around loud heart. He knocked urgently three times, hoping the blonde would hear it, that he was in the room to hear Midoriya's desperation to see him.

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