As Many Scars As There Are Stars.

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CW/TWs: Canonverse/Canon Divergence/Post-Canon/Canon-Typical Violence/Final War Arc Spoilers/Trauma Bonding/Implication of PTSD/Scar Appreciation/Heavy Angst/Hurt Comfort/Midoriya Izuku-Centric/Love Confessions/Mutual Pining/Ambigous or Open Ending/Happy Ending.

Midoriya went downstairs from his room he had been staying in almost all day. The war was over, but he was still healing. He thought they were going to loose the war, but somehow they won. Well for the most part it was a win. Japan was still in pieces and so were some of its citizens, whether mentally or physically. It will take a long time for the wounds of the war to heal, but a month later society was trying to put itself back together. With the help of the less injured heroes and front line workers, not to mention people from other countries, it was going faster than expected. Midoriya was happy about that.

He left the battlefield with more scars and more wounds than ever before, but he wasn't the only one. Half of his classmates were branded by the war. Midoriya felt guilty for that. After all it was his fault for bringing it upon the world. Granted it's not like he meant to or knew it was going to happen, but he still feels responsible for everyone that was lost, hurt, or killed and everyone else that was affected. The war wasn't needed yet All For One wanted destruction. He was a mad man that manipulated and used Shigaraki as well as other people around him like chess pieces. That's all they were to him, pieces in a game. In the end Midoriya couldn't save Shigaraki no matter how hard he tried and he feels guilty for that too.

He knows he shouldn't. He shouldn't care about either one of them, but Shigaraki deserved better. He was just a child that didn't know better who was taken in by a horrible person who just wanted to use him. At least he's no longer being hurt or used. That was one thing Midoriya could be relieved about, but those aren't the only things he regrets about the war. Another was Bakugou. The blonde along with many others of course were fighting directly with Shigaraki and All For One while he had been snatched to another place where Toga was.

When the smaller got back to the main event the ash blonde was bloody and severely injured. He was dead. Everything in Midoriya went haywire when he saw Bakugou on the ground with Shigaraki just yards away. He was unhinged. Rage flowed out of his pores. He couldn't help it. It wasn't hero-like, but he was so done. Done with All For One, done with Shigaraki, done with the war, and done with Bakugou getting hurt. Midoriya would not let the blonde die in vain.

His recklessness was used against him. Bakugou was used against him. His emotions were used against him and they almost lost. Like Anakin Skywalker his emotions get the best of him. That was until once again Bakugou leaped in crossfire. Sacrificing himself two tell Midoriya once again he doesn't have to win this alone. The smaller cried and screamed out so loud and ear retching it was probably heard from miles away. He didn't know if Bakugou would be okay and he couldn't stop to see as the blonde fell to the ground again.

Midoriya did get it together and with the help of numerous pro heroes, along with using a United States of Smash for the first time, they ended it. The smaller left the battlefield with two shattered arms and many other injuries, which meant he probably wouldn't be able to use them again. Eri had rewound him just to before he dealt the winning punch once he was taken off the battlefield. That's what Midoriya wanted. Then he was healed as much as Recovery Girl could muster with how much her quirk was being used. Katsuma offered, but Midoriya turned him down because others needed him more. That was over a month ago and he was just released from the hospital about a week ago.

The smaller is mostly fine. His body was still sore and covered with bandages, but he was alive. His friends were alive, they defeated the enemy, and that's all that mattered for now. Midoriya shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts once again as he walked passed the laundry room, but stopping just a few steps away from the threshold. He saw a glimpse of someone so he backtracked and his eyes caught sight of Bakugou. The blonde was at the opposite end of the room with his back facing the door and taking his shirt off. Usually it would make the smaller blush, but he isn't really thinking about it right now.

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