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CW/TWs: Canonverse/Aged up/Second Years/Slight Manga Spoilers From Chapter 362 And On/Fluff/Humor/Crack Fic/Quirk Shenanigans/Quirk Accident/Ambiguous or Open Ending/Happy Ending.

Aizawa sighed as he and Midoriya stood in front of the class that had just sat down in their seats when their teacher told them to.
"Everyone listen up, Midoriya got hit by a quirk." He started and heard whispers of worry

"It's called "Truth song." Any time he speaks it'll be in the form of lyrics from a song. However, if you ask him a question he also can't lie." Their Sensei announced informed

Iida was the first to raise his hand and when Aizawa pointed at him he stood up.
"Does he also tell the truth in song form?" He asked with concern

The older man nodded as his student sat back down.
"Yes. Try to avoid conversing with him in class." Aizawa told the class with an eye roll because he didn't want them interrupting his teaching

Uraraka rose her hand next though when she was called on she didn't stand up
"Is he okay though?" Uraraka asked

"Is it too late now to say sorry?" Midoriya sang then clenched his eyes shut, cheeks turning pink

His voice was a little squeaky from being nervous and embarrassed. It's not that he doesn't like singing but he only did it in the comfort of his own room.

Kaminari covered his mouth.
"Pfft- omg he actually does!" He said and couldn't contain the laugh that he bellowed out

"Dude, don't make fun of him." Ashido whacked the electric blonde on the arm making Jirou snort

Aizawa sighed again and looked towards the shorter who was standing next to him.
"Go to your desk Midoriya so we can start class." He told him

Midoriya nodded and walked off to head to his seat behind Bakugou.

"Glad you didn't get hurt too bad, man." Sero told him

Midoriya looked over at the lanky guy and when he opened his mouth a song came out.
"Why don't you say so? Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with." He shrugged at the end but was obviously embarrassed once again

"Oh, I love Doja cat!" Ashido squealed

"Me too!" Hagakure shouted

"Alright that's enough. Quiet down." Aizawa told them as Midoriya took his seat immediately

In front of him he could see Bakugou turning back around with a scoff.
"Tch- Nerd." He grumbled

He was actually worried until he was notified of what happened. When Midoriya and Aizawa walked in he already sensed something was wrong, but at least it was detrimental this time. Though he would never express outwardly that he was worried about Midoriya or anyone for that matter. It's none of their business if he's worried about them.


Midoriya continued his day singing whenever he talked but it really didn't annoy people as much as he thought it would. Some even said he had a nice singing voice which made him blush. If he could avoid talking though he would because singing this much was tiring his voice out, which was saying something considering how much he likes to mutter. Eventually, the school day ended and it was time for everyone to return to the dorms to rest for the night. Midoriya changed out of his uniform then headed back downstairs to the common area to join his friends.

Only when he got there, he realized they all were sitting in their favorite spots. That meant he had to sit on the floor because everyone liked sitting on the couches. Though some had already taken the few chairs that were in random places of the common room. Midoriya sat by Uraraka who smiled at him then went back to watching whatever reality show that was playing on the flat screen television up on the wall.

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