Future With You.

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CW/TWs: Canonverse/Canon Divergence/Post-Canon/Canon-Typical Violence/Vague Manga Spoilers/Aged Up/Pro Hero!BKDK/Heavy Angst/Hurt Comfort/MCD/Birthday/Ambigous or Open Ending/Sad Ending.

Katsuki woke up to see it was raining outside. Again. He hated rainy cold weather. It messes with his quirk, but today it didn't matter. Nothing did. Well that wasn't true. It might be shitty outside, but he had an important event to attend and there's no way he was going to miss it. It was around one in the afternoon already. He unfortunately had the night shift last night so he needed to sleep before engaging in any sort of conversation that will be had later. Not that he likes talking to a lot of people anyway, but friends, coworkers, and family will be there so he has to do some sort of talking instead of brooding in the corner like he usually does at large gatherings. The blonde trudges to his bathroom to take a shower since he didn't take one when he got home earlier in the morning. He contemplates in the shower probably just as much as anyone does, well maybe just a little more than the average person.

The hero has a lot on his plate though, from work reports to stupid interviews on night shows. So you can't blame him. He was the number one hero as of a week ago, so the transition from number two to number one was a lot more work than meets the eye. Katsuki didn't mind it though. Not at all really. Work was work and he did his best to fill in the metaphorical shoes of the last number one. It doesn't mean it's easy though, but how could it be? The angry hero steps out of the shower and dries off then heads to his wardrobe pulling out the needed tux. It was a plain tux. Black blazer, slacks, and tie with a green button up to go underneath. He's sure most of the attendees went to the mall or a tailor shop to get their outfits, but when your parents are fashion designers and already know your measurements why not make- politely ask them to do it.

It was easier to ask them and he didn't have to risk being spotted by the paparazzi while trying to get fitted for a suit that he didn't want to wear anyways. He'll probably wear it once then burn it. Katsuki quickly got dressed and checked himself out in the mirror to make sure everything looked alright. Usually he doesn't care about what he looks like or how he dresses, but today was different. It was important so he needed to look his best if he was going to go in front of his peers and give a speech. Once he decided he looked presentable, he made his way to the front door. The hero can't be late, it would just make him look bad, which is why he woke up early so he could leave and get there before most of the guests arrived. He didn't like being tardy anyways. The hero made his way down the road in his sleek black car until he arrived at the venue. Katsuki was early just like he planned and greeted the people that were already there.

It was Auntie Inko and a few of her family members. The event went well actually. The rain stopped a quarter way through and the sun came out which made lots of people happy. Katsuki gave his speech without any problems. He had worked on it the day he found out he would be giving a speech. Those who know him personally knew he's not good at public speaking so he wanted this to be perfect like everything else he does. Once he was done everyone came up and shared some sort of story that made people laugh or cry, but most left with a fond feeling by the time it ended. So one by one they all left until it was just Katsuki standing alone in front of a headstone that he was growing to hate. Yeah, he was definitely starting to hate the stupid lump of shiny granite.

"In loving memory of the Symbol of Hope Midoriya Izuku, also known as the Pro Hero Deku. Born July fifteenth, XXXX. Death April twentieth, XXXX." Katsuki read aloud to no one, but himself

He scoffed, shaking his head.
"Asshole, just had ta die on my goddamn birthday didn't you?" The blonde glared at the headstone of the former number one hero

A little over a week ago the Nerd was walking and talking up a storm until they got in a battle with a large gang. He and Katsuki were out grocery shopping together when the gang showed up randomly. By the end the blonde was pretty bloody and so were the rest of the heroes that arrived later on the scene. The moment Katsuki turned his head to check on one of his injured coworkers a villain with a teleportation type quirk popped up a few feet from him, pointed a gun at his head, and fired at close range. Before Katsuki even heard the gun go off Izuku was already screaming his name and getting in the crossfire. The villain was immediately tackled to the ground by Eijirou and Tenya.

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