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I woke up in my bed...didn't I fall asleep on the floor? I look over and see Draco laying peacefully. I crawl out of bed and began getting ready. I pulled my hair into a half-up half-down situation and did light makeup. I changed in the bathroom in case he ended up waking up.

I finished and walked over to him. "Malfoy. Malfoy. MALFOY!" I shook him until he woke. "Jesus Y/n." His morning voice was hot, but his attitude wasn't. "Sorry, but you're going to be late. Also, did you put me in my bed last night?" He nodded, "Yeah, you looked uncomfortable." "Oh ok. Well I'll be at breakfast." I grabbed my bag and headed down.

If he woke up in the middle of the night, and put me in my bed, why didn't he just go back to his room? I thought this as I sat next to Blaise, who was already stuffing his face. "Hey Y/n, want to hangout after school?" Before I could respond another boy slipped into the seat next to Blaise. "She has plans." Malfoy said and I rolled my eyes. "What? With who?" I asked. "Me, we didn't finish our assignment." "Shoot. Can we hangout tomorrow?" Blaise nodded.

We walked to Potions together and sat down. "Why didn't you go back to your dorm last night?" I asked Draco. "I didn't feel like it, a perfectly good bed was right there in front of me." Made sense. I fidgeted with my rings as we waited for Snape. He walked into the classroom, "Work day. Go." I opened my book up to where we left off.

We ended up finishing in class, "So I don't have to come today?" I asked. "You should still come. We can hangout." What? "Since when does Malfoy want to hangout with me?" He shrugged. "I mean we can hangout I guess." He smiled slightly, trying to hide it from me.

I headed to DADA after class. Professor Umbridge walked in. "Hello Class! Special announcement, this year Hogwarts is hosting a Triwizard Tournament. You can sign up after school, the deadline is tomorrow at 5. Dumbledore will have a speech about it tonight at dinner. So don't miss it!" I obviously wasn't going to participate, even though I'd completely crush it.

Herbology and Transfiguration flew by, lunch time came and I sat with Pansy. "Did you hear about the tournament? I heard Cedric signed up." I looked at her with worried eyes, I really cared for Cedric and I didn't want him getting hurt. "I heard about it, sounds cool." I said glumly. She didn't seem to notice. I ate and then left the Great Hall early.

"Y/n!" His voice rang through the halls. "Cedric, hi!" We hugged and then he got really excited. "I signed up for the tournament, did you hear about it?" "Yeah I did." I didn't sound too happy about it. "Why do you sound so upset?" "I just don't want you to get hurt." He smiled and hugged me. "Y/n I will be just fine. I hope to see you cheering me on!" I smiled, "Of course." Cedric kissed my cheek and ran along. I walked to Charms with a smile on my face.

I slid into my chair, next to Malfoy. "Are you and Cedric dating?" He asked. "No, we're just friends." "Good." Selfish little prick. I can hangout with anyone I want to. "I saw you talking to him. After lunch." "So now you're spying on me? I know you're obsessed with me." "What- no. I'm not obsessed." "Sureeee." I teased. He rolled his eyes. "Anyways I just think he's bad news." I scoffed at his ridiculousness. "Malfoy you're literally known for being bad news." He stayed quiet, "I just don't think Cedric will treat you well.

"He's treated better in the past 24hours than you've treated me since I got here." I snapped. I was going to say more but I was cut off. I stayed silent for the rest of class. I went to Astronomy and History of Magic before going to the library. I didn't know if Malfoy still wanted to hangout.

I sat at a table in the back of the library doing my HOM (History of Magic) homework. "There's my favorite slytherin!" "Hey Cedric." I didn't look up, I already knew it was him. "Whatcha doing?" "Homework." "That's boring." "Yep." I wasn't very peppy. "You okay?" He sounded concerned. I looked up to him and smiled, "Yeah, just a lot going on right now." He nodded. "I'll leave you to it then." I smiled and he walked away.

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