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i'm going to try and drag out the ending a little but unfortunately the end is soon ☹️

also i wrote this in ela so umm- rip

The ball was amazing. Draco and I spent most of the time at the gazebo watching the water ripple under the stars. I never wanted the moment to end. Sadly, it did. I went to Draco's dorm and spent the night there. Draco let me borrow a big t-shirt so I didn't have to sleep in my dress.

I woke up to Draco smiling down at me. "Good morning darling, we have school. Time to get up." I sighed annoyingly, and hesitantly got up.  I grabbed my things and went to my dorm to change. Astoria wasn't there when I arrived, I'm guessing she stayed with Mattheo, who she went to the ball with.

I slipped on my uniform, and combed my hair into a messy bun. I brushed my teeth, and went to breakfast. On my way there I bumped into Cedric. "Hi Ced." I said, he smiled down at me. "Hey." "How are you?" I asked. "Anxious, the third task is in 2 days, I heard it's the hardest yet." "Cedric, I was worried for the first two tasks, and you did great! You have nothing-" I was in the middle of my pep talk when someone stepped in front of me.

"Don't get too close to my lady." It's Draco, of course. "Of course, I was just talking to her. I'll back off." Cedric spoke, like he was nervous. He sped off, which worried me. Usually he's super brave and will stick up for himself. This is weird.

"Draco? What was that?" I yelled. "I don't want anyone touching you." "Cedric has a girlfriend you idiot! He's my friend, nothing more. I love you and only you." "I know I know...I just...I don't know." He sighed. I know he's never really been in a serious relationship before, so I'll him a break this time. I pulled him into a hug, "Don't worry. I won't go cheating on you, you don't need to worry. I'm not like Astoria." He chuckled at that. Then we walked into the Great Hall holding hands and smiling.


After breakfast we went to class together. I heard whispers all around Draco and I, and apparently he heard it to. Since he turned around sharply. "What's all the fuss about?" He asked, "Huh?" They all stopped and looked down. "What are the talking about?" I asked him. "Don't know, don't worry about it though. I got you." He smiled, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

All the other classes went like this, whispers, and Draco screaming at them. Finally, it was lunch time. Thank god. We sat down at the Slytherin table, and began to eat. Murmurs and giggles were heard all around us. "What the hell is going on?" I yell. "Do you really want me to tell you?" Blaise said. "Yes, now." I replied.

"Well...basically almost everyone is shaming you, Draco, Mattheo, and Astoria, for dating so fast and blah blah blah. Yeah they think you're a slut. Anyways 'S l u t slut! Don't bang my line til' you know you want to f-' " "OKAY..." I interrupted.

Draco stormed up from the table and punched a couple kids on his way to the hallway. "Yeah thats Y/n...mhm she's the one who cheated on Mattheo." I heard another 3rd year  say. "Listen here  you little brat. I was never dating Mattheo. I never cheated. Astoria is the cheater. I don't give a single shit about what you think of me, but get your facts straight before you spit your worthless lies." They sat there stunned. "Oh shit.." Blaise laughed under his breath.

I got up and stormed off, I didn't know where to, I just went along with wherever my legs took me.

No surprise, my legs took me to the gazebo. Draco was sitting there to, staring out at the water. I sat next to him, and we sat in silence for a while. "I'm sorry Y/n, I'm dragging you into this. All the rumors, everything." He apologized. "Listen, this is not your fault. I can handle this, we can handles this." "I know we can...I just wish we didn't have to." "Don't we all."

He took his arm and draped it around my shoulders. I laid my head down and closed my eyes. I needed peace, and this, was the closest I'd get to it.

pls can marcus baker climb through my window already-

sorry for the late chapter!! a had a writers block and didn't know what to say.

the last couple chapters are coming up :(

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