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i'm sorry these chapters have been short and boring i don't have any ideas besides the end 🧍
Tomorrow was the day of the last task, which automatically had everyone on edge, surprisingly, I wasn't. I was confident in Cedric's ability to win.

At breakfast, I sat alone in the library. There was nobody I wanted to see at the Slytherin table, and I wasn't about to go sit with Cedric, since he's nervous and I want to give him space. It's okay though, I liked the silence. After finishing my breakfast, I went to my first class. I requested to move seats away from Draco, but unfortunately I wasn't able to.

I threw my bag down and placed my head on my palm. I flipped through my book and did my assignment quietly. Draco didn't even glance my way all of class, I guess he didn't really care about the terms we're on. It shouldn't bother me as much as it does, considering I was the one to end things.

Right now though, is not the time to worry about a stupid relationship. Once we finished our work, our professor let us leave class early. I went to the library again, I liked it there. It was comforting. I was sitting at a table reading a book about house elves falling in love, when the seat next to me was pulled out and someone sat next to me.

I look up at the boy next to me, "Oh hey Ced." I said. "Hi, how are you?" "Eh. Not fantastic but not awful." "What's going on?" He spoke with a concerned voice, "Oh no forget it, It's not a big deal. How are you?" "Y/n, you can tell me." "No no no. It's seriously not a huge thing. How are you feeling for tomorrow?" "Well, honestly extremely nervous. I just want to make my father proud. He's the reason I signed up in the first place." He dropped his head down. "He'll be proud of you if you win or not, you entered in the first place which takes guts. No matter what the outcome is he'll be so amazed by you." 

I pulled him into a hug, "Thank you." He whispered before getting up and leaving the room. I soon after got up and went to my next class.

I didn't talk to anyone really the whole day. Blaise and I would crack a joke here and there, but I kept my head down most of the time. I didn't want to cause a scene. I ate lunch in my dorm, and finished all my homework before dinner. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. It was oddly calming. No yelling, no arguing, no drama, just me and my thoughts.

It felt peaceful.

short filler chapter for tonight :)

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