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After Y/n's death, the group came together. They've lost 2 people already, and their hearts needed other people to lean on.

Astoria and Mattheo had 3 kids, two girls, Beatrice and Stella, and 1 boy, Kai. They lived in the muggle world, knowing their kids would be invited to Hogwarts. They were a picture perfect family, well that's what people thought. Their kids were disciplined, and respectful. They had their happily ever after, and lived life to the fullest.

Blaise ran away with Theodore, due to their parents disapproval of their relationship. They went to America, California specifically. The couple became very wealthy, they did magic tricks for millions of people. Ironically, they had no kids but lived in a huge Mansion. Often times their parents would try and win them back over because of their money, but the two were strong enough to push them away.

Klaus, Caroline, and the whole family were devastated. Caroline had two other children, Josie and Lizzie, it wasn't a natural pregnancy but it distracted her from the hole in her heart. Hayley raised Hope with Elijah, they had a great family going, smart, kind, and of course, classy. Damon and Elena had 4 kids, mainly in honor of Y/n, who always wanted them to have their family.

Now Draco...Draco did marry another women. Her name was Daphne, she was a Slytherin at Hogwarts, and the couple met in their 7th year. They had 1 daughter, Y/n.

It took months for everyone to get over Y/n's death, she touched so many people, and affected everyone's lives greatly. She was a special girl.


After I went to Mystic Falls after my death, I knew there was somewhere I needed to be, someone I needed to see.

Here I was, standing before Hogwarts. I knew she'd be here. She couldn't let go that easily. I stepped up the stairs and went to the dorm. I knocked 3 times, and the door opened.

"Hello Pansy."

"Hello Y/n."

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