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I woke up to Draco's arms wrapped around me, he was staring down at me. "Good morning Malfoy." "Good morning Mikaelson." We stared into each other's eyes. "I see you got comfortable." Referring to his arms around me. "You looked cold." He said loosening his grip. I got up and got ready, when I came back into the room he was gone.

I had no plans today so I sat on my bed. I was of course reading my book. I went to breakfast still reading. I sat next to Pansy and ate slowly, most of my attention to the words on the page. "Will you ever put that down?" Pansy asked. "Nope." I finished eating and walked around.

"Y/n!" There his comforting voice was. "Hey Cedric!" "Today we get to hear the participants for the tournament, are you excited?" I faked a smile and nodded. "I really hope I get picked, I'm so excited." He did a little happy dance which made me laugh. "I've got to go, I'm meeting this girl Cho." "Oh, have fun." He waved and ran off, I don't know why but part of me was really sad when he mentioned a girl.

"I hope you didn't miss me too much." I turn around and run to hug Rebekah. "How'd you get here?" I asked out of breath. "I'm a vampire darling." I smiled and hugged her again. "So what's going on back home?" We walked around a bit. "Well Bonnie and Enzo got engaged, Damon and Elena won't stop eating each other's face off, your parents miss you so much, Elijah has been seeing this girl Hayley, and I've been all alone without you. Stefan's a ripper at the moment so that's fun, and Katherine's back." I blinked a couple times, trying to process everything.

"How about you? Tell me everything, especially about the boys!" I laughed and began explaining everything, "Well the school part is pretty tough and boring but I can deal, I have a couple friends, Pansy, Blaise, Cedric, and Draco. Cedric and I have gotten really close, but he's entering this tournament which is known to be dangerous and sometimes deadly, so I'm super worried. And Draco...well." She looked at me, "Well?" "Well at first he was the devil himself. Such an annoying prick, but now he's kinda been alright. He likes when I read to him."

"I think someone's got a crush on you." I looked at her and scrunched my eyebrows, "What?" "Bloody hell Y/n you can't tell? This Draco fella is obsessed with you." I thought it over and then it hit me, maybe he did like me...

"Listen I've got to go before Katherine burns Damon alive. But I will be back!" Rebekah said, I nodded and hugged her. I was sad to see her go, but I knew she'd be back soon. She sped away and I went to the gazebo. I pulled out my book and read. I went to flip to the next page and realized I finished the book.

I frowned and closed it up. I trudged to the library to return it. I placed it on the shelf where it was before. "Done already?" "Yeah." Draco was standing behind me. "I got to find a new one." "I'll help." We wandered around the shelves, I found a book called 'Creatures of Love' I picked it up and read the back.

"I notice your a romantic?" "Yep, I think it's really cute." I took the book with me as I gathered my things. "Want to come to my dorm? Blaise and Pansy will be there." "Sure." I followed him to his dorm. We walked in and I saw Blaise and Pansy eating each other. I sat on a bench against the wall.

"I'm going to invite a couple more people." Draco said, I nodded and opened my book. I read the first page and it immediately clicked. I was already down with the first chapter when Draco walked in with 4 kids, they all scattered around and sat somewhere. One girl sat next to me.

"Hey, I'm Astoria." She put out her hand and I shook it. "Y/n." We were talking together since we were the only girls there. Then 3 boys came up to me. "Hey I'm Tom." "I'm Mattheo." "And I'm Lorenzo." "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." I shook all of their hands and they sat on the floor in front of Astoria and I. We were talking for a little bit before Draco came over, "Want to play truth or dare?" "Yes!" Astoria rose out of her seat immediately. Mattheo and Tom walked over to the circle. "M'lady." Lorenzo held his hand out for me. I smiled and grabbed it.

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