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I guess Mattheo must've taken me to my dorm, because I woke up in my bed, Astoria laying down on the other side of the room.

I had a pounding headache, and my throat hurt horribly, yet I still went to class since apparently I like hurting myself.

I got up and changed, then walked down to the common room. People stared at me as I walked down the hallways, but could you blame them? I literally died and came back to life like it was nothing.

"Y/n!" I pivot around on my heel towards Cedric. "Hey Ced, how are you?" He immediately pulls me into a tight hug. "I am so sorry, I should've been faster, you were gone, it's my fault, I hope you're okay, I'm so sorry, I-" He was rambling.

"Cedric! It's okay, I'm fine, I'm not mad at all." "I just can't help but feel guilty for practically killing you." "I'm alive aren't I?" I narrowed my eyebrows, he sighed, "I guess you are."

"You're correct! 100% A+ Congrats." He smiled and I grabbed his hand, "C'mon, let's go get breakfast."

I ditched my friends at the Slytherin table and sat at the Hufflepuff on with Cedric. I didn't want him to feel bad for something he couldn't control. Good thing I'm immortal or he might actually lose his mind.

"I have a bit of a break until the third task," Cedric started as he stuffed his face with waffles. "Oh yeah?" I respond, "Yeah, so I'm definitely going to train longer and harder. No repeats of yesterday." "Oh my gosh Ced that's in the past! I literally don't care and neither should you. Enough about that, how's Fleur? I know she had a rough time."

I changed the conversation, and we spoke until the last second before parting to our classes. I sat next to Draco, unwillingly, but I turned to face Mattheo.

"Are you okay?" He asked, "I don't know dad, am I?" Everyone was asking me if I'm okay, I get that they care about me, but I'm fine! I'm not some 'broken girl' that everyone needs to comfort.

"Just making sure." He laughed, then I turned towards the front as class began.


The school day went by super quickly, most teachers didn't hand out much homework since we were all pretty shaken up by previous events.

It was lunchtime, and I sat by Cedric again.
"Potter was asking me about you." Cedric began, "Oh really? What'd he say?" "He was asking how you were, and wanted to know basically everything about you." "Creep. I know, I'm just too interesting to resist!" I said sarcastically and flipped my hair.

"Yeah sure, that's the reason why." He smiled, "Well what did you tell him?" "I just told him little things, I don't know why but I didn't want him to know much." He was now looking at his plate instead of making eye contact.

"He probably was just curious, don't worry, I won't replace you Ced." I smiled, and Cedric returned it with a fake one.

"I've got to go to class, I'll uh, catch you later." I excused myself, and went to my next class.


The school day ended, and I went to the Library to do the little amount of homework I had. I reached down to grab my bag but it wasn't there, I glance around the room and see Rebekah standing there holding it, and a baby.

"Bekah!!" I exclaim and run over to hug her. "Hey Y/n, I had to get your attention someway, here's you bag by the way. Bloody hell it's heavy, how do you hold it all?" I giggle, "Don't know to be honest." I turn my eyes to the baby in her arms.

"Oh right, this is Hope. Your sister." She's precious, her hair was dark but red toned, she looked like her mom. Her eyes were shut peacefully, and her thumb was placed in her mouth.

"Oh my gosh, she's perfect." I whisper, "No offense, but why do you have her?"

"Well, Hayley had to feed off her to survive, and that was obviously pretty hard to do. Your father didn't think he was safe in New Orleans, and as you know, I was free of your dad, so I left. Hope was given to me, to be safe and live a happy childhood."

"Wow...how is Hayley handling it?" "Awfully, she's depressed, doesn't want to do anything, cries constantly. It's hard to witness so I barely visit anymore."

My heart aches for her, the pregnancy was hard enough alone. Now her baby is gone, she had to drink it's blood, right after she was going to be sacrificed. "That's horrible!" "I know, so here comes the second reason I came here. Holidays are coming soon, and would you be willing to come home? And bring Hope with you?"

My face lights up, "Of course! I'd love to see everyone." "Great! Your dad knows you're coming, but not Hope...Hayley just needs her daughter. I cant resist." I nod, I completely understand what she means. I cant imagine being in Hayley's position.

"I must be going, but thank you so much! Take the train home, I'll be there to give you Hope." "Okay Bekah, I love you." "I love you to mini Mikaelson." She kisses the top of my head and speeds out.

Life back home is a mess, and suddenly, I'm grateful I went to this school, no matter how much stuff happens.


i had to include stefan's iconic "idk am i?" line in this chapter- he's amazing. also i'm in love with rebekah and y/n's relationship.

btw happy valentine's day! ty for reading <3

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