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"Oh no, baby, I won't regret marking you at all. Rather I would love to."

"Well, I would regret being marked by you."

"You will beg to have me, Jeong Ray, remember it... On the bed."

"Not even in your dreams, Jeon."

"Unbuckle, baby girl."

"You said that you aren't like other girls, but I already saw you with two boys in two days. Aren't you the same as the other hoes I fuck around with?"

"I wasted my time here. These girls were right. You are nothing but a thick-skinned bitch,"

"I made a mistake by loving you. Goodbye."

Words of Main Leads

(Big Teasers)

Ray: "I wanted to know what love is, and you made me familiar with it, but I didn't know it would cost so much for this experience. If I knew, I would've never even, in my dreams, thought about love. Thank you for making me realize there is no love in this world, and as a thanking gift, I will never come near you again. You broke my trust, and it will be like that only. Goodbye."

Jungkook: "Not every story has a happy ending, but again if the story doesn't end with happiness, it isn't the end. So why mine? Why did mine end with a sad ending? What wrong did I do? I tried to protect this relationship, but my ending was still sad. I will never be able to live with this."

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