Candy Couple (holo) Steve x (Human) reader

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[Thank you @PuppyPomeranian for requesting this story.]

{Third person}

"(Y/n)!!! I needed that!!!" Ratchet yelled as the young teenager knocked a machine over the edge of the desk he was working at.

"Sorry Ratch." She chuckled awkwardly. Ratchet grumbled and picked the machine up. He grumbled and looked it over, making sure that it was not damaged.

"So, Ratchet... what are you doing?" She asked, leaning against the wall the desk was connected too. Ratchet half shrugged and muttered.

"Just tinkering." He said nonchalantly. (Y/n) hummed and nodded. She eventually got bored and left the med bay. (Y/n) made her way to the main room. There, Arcee, bulkhead, and Bumblebee we're hanging out with their human partners.

"Wish Ratch would spend time with me.." she muttered to herself. (Y/n) then made her way towards the catwalk. No one seemed to notice her. And if they did, they probably didn't care.

"Another day with the Tv eh?" She said to herself as she switched it on. She flipped through the channels for something interesting to watch. But not even the tv wanted to entertain her at the moment. Groaning in frustration, she turned the tv off and removed herself from the room. She had made her way down the main entrance of the base. When she got to the end of the road, she placed her hand on the wall.

"Freedom is on the other side of this wall..." She whispered. Sighing, she sat down and leaned against the invisible door. Yes it was dangerous, but she didn't exactly care at the moment.

"I need out." She groaned. As if on que, she felt the door opening. She quickly jumped up and pressed herself against the wall. Just as she did, Optimus' alt mode zoomed right by her.

"That was close..." she looked over to the door as it began to close. A smirk appearing on her face.

"Freedom here I come." She said as she bolted through the door just as it closed. Now she was outside. And there was no going back in.... unless she called one of the humans or ratchet but that wasn't gonna happen. Happily, (Y/n) skipped off towards the town. It was a long way, but it was good enough for her.

(Back at base)

Optimus came to a screeching halt in the main room of the base, catching everyone's attention.

"Hey Optimus." Arcee greeted as Optimus transformed to his bot mode. Though, Optimus brushed off the greeting. He looked back at the tunnel from where he came.

/"Is something wrong?"/ Bumblebee buzzed, catching the prime's attention.

"Where is (Y/n)?" Optimus asked.

"Last I saw her, she was watching tv." Miko pipped up. Optimus looked over at her and then moved his attention to the empty human area.

"Odd..." He muttered.

"What is?" Jack asked.

"I thought that I saw (Y/n) standing in the tunnel." Optimus states looking back at said tunnel.

"Why would she be there?" Bulk wondered aloud.

"Miko. Can you contact (Y/n)?" Optimus asked.

"I can try. Don't know if it'll work though." Miko says as she pulls out her phone and dials in (Y/n)'s phone number. The group waited for a response from (Y/n), but there was nothing. Then her phone began to ring from the human area. Raf went up there and looked around. He held up (Y/n)'s phone.

"Looks like she dropped it without realizing." Raf says. Optimus hums.

"(Y/n) is out there with no way to contact us. We just find her before the decepticons do."

"Yes sir!" The three bots say before transforming and rolling out.

(With you)

(Y/n) finally made her way into town. She was hot and a little sweaty, but that was fine. She walked up to the nearest convenience store and walked inside. The cool air hitting her skin as she walked inside was refreshing. And the sight of food was even better! (Y/n) made her way up and down the isles, looking for some food and a drink. All that was wiped from her mind when she came face to face with the candy section.

"Hell yeah. Candy." She says to herself. She begins looking for some (favorite candy). Scanning the rows carefully.

"Excuse me Miss. But can I reach over you?" She heard a voice say. She turns around to come face to face with a cute looking boy. She smiles and moves out of the way.

"Go right ahead." (Y/n) smiled. The boy smiled back and looked through the rows before picking up a (favorite candy). (Y/n) watched for a sec before reaching for one herself.

"You like (Favorite candy) too?" The boy asked. (Y/n) nodded.

"My favorite candy in the whole world." (Y/n) smiled. The boy slimed with her.

"You know, I never got your name." The boy said, fiddling with his somewhat messy hair. (Y/n) chuckled.

"My name is (Y/n). What's yours?"

"I'm Steve."

"Huh. You never really hear that name anymore."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No. But it makes a part of you unique." The boy she now knew as Steve blushed and smiled, making (Y/n)'s heart flutter.

"So... I've never seen you around. Where are you from?" (Y/n) suddenly asked. This caught Steve slightly offguard.

"Oh. Well, I just moved here. So you're technically my first human friend." (Y/n) arched her brow.

"Human?" She questioned. Steve looked a little panicked, yet embarrassed.

"Y-yeah... I never really had "human friends" cause they all thought I was weird. So I had imaginary friends for a time. Then my thousands of plushies became my friends." (Y/n) stared at the messy-haired boy. She then began to laugh. Steve rubbed his arm awkwardly. (Y/n) caught her breath a few minutes later.

"Wait wait wait." She giggled. "You're telling me that you have over a thousand plushies and they're your friends?" She asked. Steve nodded shyly. (Y/n) shook her head with a small chuckle.

"How much cuter can you get?" She said. Steve's head perked up. His face, fully flushed.

"Wh-what?!" He stuttered. (Y/n) smirked.

"Adorable." She says before putting something in his pocket and walking away. Steve stood there in shock. Red-faced and clutching the (Favorite candy) closely.

"Oh dear Primus Mason's gonna kill me."

{I'm sorry do this is kinda short and rushed. This was one of, if not, THE first requests that I got a long time ago. So I had to get it out eventually. There is more coming for sure. But it might take a while. Again, I'm sorry that it's short, but more better ones will come soon}

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