Rid Optimus x (human) reader

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The photo above is not mine. I just found it and thought it would be a good pic for this chap. And for the girl, just put in your features.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sat I'm my bedroom feeling lonely. Everyone was gone. All of team prime. Even my long time crush that I've dreamt about forever, Optimus. I never was able to muster up the courage to tell him. And now he's one with the allspark. Or so I've heard from bee and the others at the scrap yard.

I sat on my bed in tears thinking what could have been. And looked through memory photos on my phone. As I looked through the photos, I found one that stood out to me. It was a pic of me and Optimus. But the prime had that rare smile on. I never noticed it till now. I smiled at the photo, wishing he was here.

Drawing above

There was a sudden knock on my front door. I looked out the window. It was pretty late. I checked the time. 1:28 am.

"Who in their right proscesser would be out this late-er early?" I walked to the door and opened it a crack.

"Who is is?" I asked raspily.

"Hey (Y/n). It's me, Sideswipe."

"What do you want?"

"Everyone wants you to come back. You've been gone for the whole month."

"I don't want to go out."

"Aww come on! What happened to the cocky rebble I became friends with?" I smiled and opened the door all the way. Sideswipe stood in the door way in his holoform.

"Ok, you convinced me. But it's one in the fraggin' morning right now."

"Sorry. I don't keep track of time. And besides, when you get to the scrap yard, there's gonna be a big surprise for you."

"You're not gonna prank me are you? Cause if you do, I'm gonna go Ratchet on you."

"Not a prank. I swear." Well that's the first. I sighed and looked at sideswipe, while he looked at me.

"I'm gonna go to bed now." I said closing the door on his face.

"Aww come on (Y/n)! Why you be so cruel!?!?" He said playfully. I laughed and sighed.

•|The next morning|•

I sighed as I drove down the old, familiar road to the scrap yard. As I got out of my car, I heard the others whispering. I was of course confused at first.

"Guys!... You here!!!" The whispering shut up, and I felt a bit hurt. But then again, this could all be one big prank. I walked to where I thought I heard the whispering.

I've been walking around for about 20 minutes now. And there's no sign of anyone!

"For reals guys! This isn't funny!" I yelled out at them. I waited for one of them to answer. But nothing came back. I sighed and thought for a moment or two.

'I guess they're out on a mission.....' I thought as I walked back to the front gate. But I when I got there, my (f/c) (car) had been replaced............................................................. By a red semi truck, with blue flames.

My mouth dropped in awe. I couldn't believe it! I heard the others drive up behind me. I turned and faced them.

"Wow guys! How did you do this!? It looks just like him!!!" Their smiles dropped a bit. Bee knelt beside me.

"(Y/n), there's more to this truck than you think." He said. I looked up at bee, then I looked back at the truck. It took me a bit of time, but it dawned on me. I looked back in at bee to see if this was all a big joke. I didn't see anything but happiness, and excitement. I heard the sound of transforming coming from the truck.

I looked over and watched as the semi truck transformed into my crush. It was Optimus!!!!!!

I felt all of my tears run down my face. Optimus knelt in front of me, and wiped tears away with his digit.

"Why are you crying (Y/n)? Are you not happy to see me?" He asked picking me up. I hugged his digit.

"No, no. That's not it at all." I said trying to wipe away my tears. "I'm just so happy to see you!" He wiped my tears away for me, and they finally stopped coming down. I hugged his digit tighter. Then the unthinkable happened............................................................ He kissed me......................... On the lips...... I was so shocked, I didn't know what to do! But I melted into the kiss, and kissed him back. Optimus broke the kiss, and I felt kinda lonely again. But then he lifted my chin up, and made me look at him.

"Happy birthday (Y/n)."

Ok, so...... I'm very VERY sorry that this is late. The person who requested this didn't give me anything. They just wanted it done. So I had to think of something to make it interesting. And the ending is a shout out more my sis. (Derpy_Aisako101) because it's her birthday today!

Thank you.

Peace peeps!
                                    -Mercy 💙

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