UltraMagnus x Vocally powerful reader

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You were sitting on your berth in your quarters. You felt somewhat lonely and depressed. And that Ultra Madness wasn't helping what so ever. He kept pushing you to "do better" at everything you did perfectly. You try to explain to him that you knew how to do it perfectly. But no, he always found something wrong. He was getting on your last nerves. You then decided to make an entry into your digital diary.

"Dear digital diary, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel so depressed and mad. And I just....... Don't feel like I belong here............ I just...... Don't want to be here anymore...... Maybe it would be best for me to leave........ I don't know but......... It just feels somewhat right..... It's kinda like........." I was interrupted by a thought that made me smile.

"Sorry digital diary. I have things to do." You said as you turned it off. You walked out to the main room. Everyone was there. And Madness stood on the opposite side of the room. You smirked a bit.

(Play video)

"You get so scared sometimes." Everyone looked in your direction. You continued.

"You wish that someone could hear you..... That someone would listen." You moved from your spot in the hall, and stalked closer to Magnus.

"Then you think, it will all go away................. And before you know it........"

"Soldier, what are you doing?" He asked.

"It's to late."

"What?" You started to use my gift.

"Times like this, I wish I never existed. No body want to listen. Im screaming out for help. Times like this, I wish that I could let go, just open up a window, and be free to be myself."


"But then there's you, standing over me, tryna' make a fool of me, tryna' get the best of me, oh~"

"Then there's you, tryna' shut me out, tryna' kick me when I'm down. That ain't gonna stop me now no~." He was getting slightly mad now.

"Soldier you-"

"How does it feel? To know that I don't care at all, your words don't mean a thing at all. I chose to rise, you choose to fall." There was shock on everyone's faces now.

"How does it feel? To know that I am capable, of more than you would ever know?" He was about to command me. But you stopped him.

"Don't tell me I'm not good enough! Don't you bring me down! I'm moving up, and you're over now!" As your voice got stronger, Magnus had a harder time keeping his balance. He eventually fell to his aft.

"You gave me fire, everytime you came around, my pedes are steady on the ground, and you won't knock me down." He tried to yell over your voice, so you raised yours.

"No more~! No~! No~! Now I'm unbreakable! No~! No~! No~! Now I'm unbreakable!" He somehow managed to yell louder than your voice. You were thrown back a bit. He got up and stared me down. You held back the tears. You got back up, and continued to sing.

"Times like this, I'm picking up all the pieces. I'm making up the reasons, not to tell a soul. Times like this, I'd rather speak to no one. I just want to move on, and stand up on my own." Everyone looked at you, silently with sadness. You looked at Madness, he had a look of anger in his optics.

"But then there's you, standing over me, tryna' make a fool of me, tryna' get the best of me. Oh~." He was gonna say something again.

"Then there's you, tryna' shut me out, tryna' kick me down, well that ain't gonna stop me now."

"Soldier, you need to-"

"How does it feel? To know that I don't care at all, your words don't mean a thing at all. I chose to rise, you chose to fall." Magnus was angry now. But, you could honestly care less.

"How does it feel? To know that I am capable, of things that you would never know?"

"You are not ready for-!" You felt your emotions get the best of you. You snapped and started to sing as loud as you could.

"DON'T TELL ME I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH! DON'T BRING ME DOWN! I AM RISING UP! AND YOU'RE OVER NOW!" Everyone had fallen over at the vibration of your voice. Magnus had went from anger, to shock.


"I remember getting teased as a kid, cause of the place that we lived. We never had it easy, believe me, but it don't excuse the things that we did. Couldn't except that I was never excepted. Cried so many tears as I fell into depression. But if I didn't change, I'd be called names, and all I gotta say is, I was feeling rejected." Your spark was breaking. You never knew his story. And he never knew yours.

"Putting people down is a low blow, it goes around, comes around like a yo-yo. Wish I could stop time like a photo. But we stand strong so- Don't tell me I'm not good enough. Don't bring me down. I'm rising up, and you're over now. You gave me fire, everytime you came around. My pedes are steady on the ground. And you can't knock me down, No more~! No~! No~!"

"Now I'm unbreakable!" Magnus sang as he got closer to you. You joined him. And you two sang as one.

"No~! No~! No~! Now we're unbreakable!" Then he did the unexpected.
He bent down a bit, and kissed you on the lips. You were extremely shocked. Actually, everyone else in the room was shocked. And one of them passed out. But hey, you could care less. I
You melted into the kiss, and returned it. You parted for air, and looked each other in the optics.

"I love you (Y/n)......."

Aaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Look at this! 1103 words, nice. Anyway, I was listening to this song and thought this one-shot up. I hope you like it. Cause I'm up very late right now. And I put my blood sweat and tears into this....................... And if you want to understand what the reader's power is, just ask. I'll explain it. Anyway, that's all I had to say....... So thanks for reading.

Peace peeps!

-Mercy 💙

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