Smokescreen x (Rogue) Reader

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{This at first was meant for a writing contest. But the user hosting the contests suddenly disappeared. So I'm putting this in my one shot book cause why not?}

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I stood at the top of a cliff and stared over the ocean. The salty air somewhat relaxed me. It was a nice feeling. I then heard a ground bridge open behind me.

"You're late." I said turning to the autobot rookie. He stood there sheepishly.

"Sorry (Y/N). Arcee was getting on me." He said walking towards the smaller femme. She arched a brow.

"You better not let them find me. You know what happens when someone else finds me." Smokey nodded and stared off into the ocean just as I was earlier.

"So, (Y/N). I don't know why I'm asking now but.... Why are you alone? I don't understand why you won't go back to base with me." He asked. I scoffed.

"I'm not good with crowds. And I don't need all the attention from your stupid medic." I replied.

"He's not stupid. But he gets mad really easily."

"Exactly. He'd get mad the millisecond I say no." He thought about that. Then he walked up to me.

"Ok. I get that. But that doesn't really explain much. You always look so lonely out here on your own." I bit my lip. He doesn't need to know.

"Well, that's something that only I need to know." I said. He pouted.

"Come on! We've known each other for a week already! But I still don't know very much about you." He said. I chuckled.

"Well then that's something for you to-" The ground below began to shake and crumble.

"What's going on?!" I yelled.

"Earthquake!!" Smokey yelled. Then the floor collapsed under me. I screamed and grabbed the edge.

"Hold on (Y/N)!!!" Smokey shouted and grabbed my hand. The shaking stopped and he pulled me up. The second I was on solid ground, my body immediately patched into his. I felt his frame heat up.

"U-uh...... (Y/N)....? C-can you let go.....?" I looked up at him and immediately let go.

"S-Sorry." I muttered. We stood up.

"I need to go now Smokey. See ya." I was about to leave. But he put his hand on my recently scared shoulder. I winced. And pulled away.

"S-Sorry. But you need to come back with me. You're hurt." He said. I looked down at my shoulder and saw that the cover had come off.

"Frag." Smokey came closer.

"(Y/N) please. Let us help you." I thought about it. I did need to be patched up. I had all these deep and infected wounds under my plating that did need healing. I sighed.

"Fine. I'll go back with you. But only for today. I'm not staying forever."

"Fine with me."

(Time Skip)

I now sit in the med bay of the autobot base. Most of my armor had been removed and some of my scars were visible. I had bandages around my chest, arms, and legs. Those covered the bad scars and wounds. I sat there wide awake. I didn't know what to do. I was in new territory. I had to be on alert incase anyone tried anything. I heard pedestals from the hall and looked towards the door. The prime walked in and sat at the end of the berth.

"(Y/N)." He said greetingly. I look away from him though. I just stay silent like I had the past few hours. He sighed.

"(Y/N) we are here to help you. But we need you to communicate with us." I still stayed silent. I wasn't gonna say anything. He sighed again and stood.

"We are here if you need anything." Then he left. Although, shortly after he did, I got up and found my way to the roof. I looked over the edge and watched the sun set. I felt that pain in my spark strike again. To get rid of it, I sang. I know. Cheesy. But hey. An outlet is an outlet. And this is how I do it,

(Play song)

"Scars that's all I have... pain that all I feel. People stop and stare. But they have no idea. And through these tears, and through this pain." I looked up at the setting sun.

"I will stand. Once again." (F/c) lights and sparks began to fly off my frame.

"Cause I may be homeless but not hopeless! Fatherless but fearless! I got myself and I got my freedom! But I'm searching for my home. I am hurting but not helpless! Full of strength and scars. I'm out here in the darkness! And looking for a light, to call home."

"(Y/n)...........?" I turned to see Smokey. He looked shocked and scared. I guess it was time he knew my secrets.

"Fear, that's all I own. Smiles don't come so easy. I'm out there all alone. You've got it good believe me. But thought these tears. And through this pain."


"I will stand. Once again!!" Sparks flew again. And I floated a bit.

"Cause I may be homeless but not hopeless! Fatherless but fearless! I got myself I got my freedom! But I'm searching for my home. I may be hurting but not helpless! I'm full of strengths and scars! But I'm out here in the darkness and looking for a light, to call home." Smokescreen pulled me back down to the ground. He hugged me tightly. I hesitantly returned it. But I could no longer hold my emotions back. I cried. I cried an ocean, as I held onto the only person that really cared for me. He rubbed my back and comforted me. He began to softly sing.

"Strong that's you are."

"Ok. That's what I will be."

"You may not understand, but you won't let it define you." I looked up into his pastel optics and place a kiss on his lips.

"Cause I was homeless but not hopeless. Fatherless but fearless. I had myself I had my freedom. And I finally found my home." I let go of Smokey and let my light shine. "I was hurting but not helpless."

"Still full of strengths and scars."

"Was out there in the darkness. But I finally found a light, to call home." I ran back to Smokescreen and hugged him.

"Finally found a light to call home." I giggled and cried happily. All the sparks flew off my body. They created a beautiful scene before us. They were like little fireflies enjoying our moment. Smokey picked my up around my waist and spun. We laughed and giggled as he set me down. He hugged me again.

"Cause now I finally see, I found home." Smokescreen pulled me in for another kiss. I was passionate and full of love. I couldn't believe that I was so blind. I had my home and found my light. I was no longer alone.


"AHEM!!!" We broke apart to see Ratchet standing there. We blushed and released a each other. Completely silent.

"Both of you get back inside this instant!! Smokescreen, go to Optimus. You come with me." We both gulped and followed after The old medic.

"What do we do now?" I whispered.

"Face the storm. Optimus will only scold me. And you're already injured. Hatchet won't do anything to you."

"Yes I won't. It you who's gonna get the wrench!!" Ratchet yelled and threw a wrench at us. We both yelled and ran. By Primus this was gonna be a long night of cat and mouse.

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