Friends New and Old

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"Big brother!! Sideswipe!!" A little femme with orange armor tugged at his arm. "Come on!! We're going to be late!!" She said as she dragged him out of the house.

"Ok ok, I'm coming!" Sideswipe laughed as he followed the little femme towards the door. But instead of walking out of the house, he walked into a hospital room. There he stood. His parents, twin brother, and baby sister lay on different beds with white sheets over their bodies. They were dead. Sideswipe could feel the tears roll down his cheeks.

"N-no... no! No! Don't go!" He cried as he ran to the table and pulled the sheet off of his little sister. But there was nothing there. It was just an imprint of her body. Sideswipe looked around and ran back out into the hall to see he was outside in the rain. He stood still in confusion. Then he remembered. Sideswipe slowly walked up to the four graves on the hill. He stood and stared at them. The light left his eyes as he stared at them. He felt so angry with himself. How could he survive but everyone else that he loved had to die? What kind of hell was this? Why did any of this have to happen? Why him...? Why? Why..? WHY?!?!

"Sideswipe are you listening?!" Sideswipe jumped and looked up to see Strongarm standing over him. He rolled his eyes.

"Should I be?" He sassed.

"Yes! You should!! This is very important!"

"This is lame."

"Well, this "lame" lesson will help you when you need it!"

"Lame." Sideswipe scoffed as he stood and walked away.

"Hey! I'm not done yet!"

"Don't care!" Sides sighed as he walked away from the cadet. He could hear her grumbling about him. This didn't bother him. Sideswipe passed by all his teammates. They were doing their own things. But they all looked so calm and content with themselves. Sides wished he could be like that. But he can't. Not without..... He shook the depressing cloud away and went to his room. He flopped on the bed and laid there face down. He then stood and pushed a loose ceiling board up. He reached into the ceiling and pulled down a decently sized box. Kind of like a human shoebox. After putting the board back in place, he sat on his bed and stared at the box. Though the box was merely black and white, it had been decorated with engraved quotes and drawings. On the top were the names of Sideswipe and his siblings. Sideswipe's heart ached at the sight of just their handwriting. Taking a deep breath, he opened the box to examine its contents. There were many little trinkets in the box. Such as candy and small tablets. But what Sideswipe was interested in was the locket and the holodisk. He carefully picked up the locket. He brushed some of the dust off with his thumb.

"It's been too long..." He mumbled before opening it up. The locket unfolded to reveal three photos. One of sides, one of his twin, and the other of his little sister. Sideswipe then picked up the holodisk. It was just as dusty as the locket. Side gave it a soft blow. Dust went everywhere but sideswipe didn't mind. Once the dust settled, Sides turned it on. Once activated, it lit up and projected a picture. It was his entire family. In the picture, it was his sister's 5th birthday. They were all smiling widely. This day... caused a lot of trauma. But it was the last picture he had of them. So he kept it. There was suddenly a knock at the door. Sideswipe quickly put the disk and the locket back in the box before closing it and shoving it under his bed.

"Y-yeah?!" He called, trying to calm himself.

"Sideswipe, we have a mission, we gotta go," Bee said on the other side of the door. Sideswipe sighed in relief.

"Ok, I'll be there in a sec." Sides said as he stood. He grabbed the box from under his bed and checked to see if anything had broken. He sighed as nothing was. He then stood on his bed and placed the box back in the ceiling. He hopped off his bed and dashed out the door to join his team.

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