Habits (Stay High) RBA Wedge x RBA Hotshot (Future/Himan AU)

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(I did this on a whim and half asleep. Don't question it. Just roll with it.
TW: Self harm, unalive attempt, blood, alcoholism, cringe)

I sat at the table farthest away from the dance floor. Hotshot and Medix were having their first dance as newlyweds. I drank the champagne provided for the guests. Everyone was absolutely fawning over them. The perfect pair...

"God damn it." I curse as I take a bottle and walk out. I undid the suit around my body and the tie around my neck. I popped the bottle open and took three big gulps. I bring the bottle back down and let it intoxicate me.

"Best mane huh? Should have been the groom." I drunkenly stumbled back home. Leaving my car behind. Once I got home, I finished off the bottle and tossed it in the recycling. "Not enough." I say gruffly and go for the beer in the fridge.

(One month later)

Wedge had not been heard from for weeks. And everyone was pretty worried. So hotshot, at his best friend, went to his house. When hotshot arrived, the lawn was a tad bit overgrown.

"Odd. Wedge normally keeps everything neat." Hotshot muttered to himself. He peeled into the house through the window. All he saw were beer bottles and cans. Along with trash and dirty dishes. "What the heck happened here?!" Hotshot said to himself. Hotshot went to the door and knocked. After waiting for ten minutes of knocking, hotshot got the key above the door frame and unlocked the door. The second that door opened, the stench of alcohol and filth hit hotshot's nose. He gagged before covering his mouth and nose.

"Wedge?! You in here?!" Hotshot called as he looked around. The house was in even more disrepair than he thought. Holes in the walls, trash, beer, and dishes everywhere. There was even blood! Hotshot became even more worried and called out to his best friend. But he didn't get an answer. Hotshot searched the house. Finally, he got to the bathroom. He opened the door and the alcohol scent grew stronger.

"Wedge...?" Hotshot said. The bathroom was full of beer bottles and cans. Some bottles were broken and the walls and mirrors were covered in blood. Hotshot turned the corner to find wedge in the tub. He was shirtless, and covered in cuts and stabs. He was also bleeding heavily. The worst injury on him was the cut across his throat. It didn't seem like he hit his arteries. So he should be ok for a bit.

"Wedge!!" Hotshot cried. He went over to his best friend and felt for a pulse. There was one, but it was faint and weak. "Oh no, wedge what happened to you?!" Hotshot asked with tears in his eyes. Hotshot pulled out his phone from his back pocket and called 911. When the ambulance got there, they rushed to save wedge. Once they got him stable and stopped enough of the bleeding, they loaded him up into the ambulance and rushed him to the hospital.

(Hours later)

Hotshot sat in the waiting room. Wedge had been rushed into surgery and is being treated. Hotshot sat there, leg bouncing. The image of seeing wedge like that was seared into his brain. Medix saw his husband sitting in the waiting room and panicked.

"Hotshot?? What's re you didn't here?!" Medix asked. Hotshot didn't answer. He was angry. And upset. And sad. He vowed to kill the person that did that to wedge. No matter the cost.

"Hotshot!! Babe what's wrong?!" Medix shouted worriedly, shaking his husband's shoulder. Hotshot looked up at medix. Tears started to fall down his cheeks.

"Oh Medix..." He said with a broken voice. "It's horrible." Hotshot choked out before burring his face into his hands.

"What's horrible? You're scaring me!" Medix asks, sitting next to the broken man.

"W-wedge... s-someone.... Someone tried to kill him...." Hotshot says through his tears. Medix's eyes widened.

"What?! Are you sure?!" Hotshot nodded.

"I found him... he was in the bathroom, covered in blood and deep cuts!" Hotshot sobbed at the memory. Medix hugged and comforted his hubby.

"Oh hotshot. I promise that we will take care of wedge. Please, go home and rest." Medix coaxed.

"No!" Hotshot shouted as he stood. "I left wedge alone for too long! I won't leave him again! What if he does while I'm gone?! What if his killer comes back to finish the job?!" Medix kisses Hotshot. Hotshot shuts up and kisses back. Medix pulls away and caressed Hotshot's cheek.

"I swear on my life that wedge will live. And if he doesn't, I'll be damned and quit being a doctor." Medix says seriously.

"What?! Babe-!"

"I promise you." Medix says as he walks away.

(Days later)

It's been four days since hotshot found wedge. The police had confirmed that there was no killer. All wounds had been self inflicted. Medix had told the other about what happened and they all send their condolences. They made an effort to visit a few times. But hotshot visited every day. He waited for his best friend to awaken. Hotshot needed him to.

"I'm sorry wedge..." Hotshot sobbed. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you...." Hotshot says as he sits at the bedside. Hotshot berries his face in his arms. He listened to the heart monitor as it steadily beeped. And the ventilator that kept wedge alive. The monitor's beep was steady and rhythmatic before slightly increasing.

"Wedge?" Hotshot gasps as he raises his head. Wedge was waking up. Wedge's mouth loves but no sound came out.

"Wedge! Don't speak! You... you cut your vocal chords..." hotshot said solemnly. Wedge stopped trying to talk. He looked around the room.

"I'll be right back!" Hotshot said before running out of the room. A few minutes later, doctors were all over wedge and checking him over. Once they had finished, they left the room. Hotshot was left there.

"Wedge... what happened to you?" Hotshot asks quietly. Wedge took note at how red and puffy hotshot's eyes were. Wedge looked around before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen that one of the nurses had left behind.

"What happened?" The paper asked.

"You.... You... why..?" Hotshot cries. "Why would you try to take your own life?!" Wedge was taken aback by hotshot suddenly shouting at him. Hotshot was angry and upset. Wedge sat there silently. He looked down at his lap. He remembers that day well. The day he....tried to take his life... it obviously didn't work. Wedge started writing on the paper. But he ripped the page out, crumbled it, and threw it across the room. Wedge put the pad and pencil down before laying back down.

"Wedge?" Hotshot tried to make wedge face him but wedge pushed him away. Hotshot was bewildered. Wedge used to be so out there an bold. What had happened to wedge that he was like this now? Hotshot sighed and sat there in defeat. Then he remembered the paper. Wedge had written on it before he threw it!!! Hotshot quickly hit up and looked at the paper. "I love" it said.

"Oh wedge! Did you know Ye to take your life over this one person or something?" Hotshot asked, returning to his seat near the bed. Wedge remained silent. He refuses to talk to anyone. Not like he could anyway.

"Wedge please! I never knew that you even had the hots for someone! But why take your life over the-" the notepad went flying at Hotshot and it smacked him right in the face. "Ow!" Hotshot shouted as the book fell, hotshot rubbed his nose.

"That hurt." He looked at wedge and then the note pad.

"Leave me alone." It read.

"Wedge please don't push me away! " Hotshot begged his best bud. But wedge refused to acknowledge him. Hotshot sighed.

"Fine." Hotshot said in defeat. He left the crumpled paper on the nightstand before leaving. Shortly after he left, wedge burst into tears. He silently cried and gripped his aching chest. It pained him to watch the one that got away leave. He missed his shot a second time. And now he'll never be the same again.

(Ack-I have no idea what I was thinking while writing this. Actually I have a bit of an idea but it's stupid so-what does it matter? But yeah, cringe story is cringe.)

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