The Nameless Princess

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(TW!!! Suicide/abuse)

(Unedited and sloppy)

"Deep in the forest, past the thicket and the bumble bush grove, is a village. And past this village, is a castle. In the castle, you will find the most beautiful princess in all the land. Her skin is fair and smooth. Her hair is the color of dark chocolate, and her eyes are the shade of the deep blue. Her soft downturned lips a shade of the softest cherry blossom pink. Her perfect pear-shaped body attracted all far and wide. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, but she was also even more beautiful on the inside. The princess is the most generous of all the land. Her kindness is one to fawn over. The princess indeed was a saint. And everyone knew it."

"She sounds annoying." Wedge huffed. "Why are we even listening to some stupid fairytale? We should be out there doing rescue procedures!" Everyone looked back at Hotshot who had his arms crossed. The human girl, who was sitting on the ledge of the elevated platform, closed her book.

"Well Wedge, if you listened to professor heatwave earlier, you would have heard him tell you all that for human culture, you guys would be taught by me. So I'm teaching you guys by reading this book." The dark-eyed human said with a soft smile. Wedge scoffed and sat back down.

"This is just as useless as the time we were forced to "act" on stage."

"Miss Anna! Can you please continue?" Whirl asked excitedly. "I wanna know more about this princess!" Miss Anna chuckled.

"Alright alright." Miss Anna cleared her throat before continuing the story.

"What her kingdom did not know, is that she was suffering. It wasn't a physical pain she felt though. It was more of emotional pain. The perfect princess was not as perfect as she wished she was. Her heart constantly ached and her mind was dark with not-so-perfect thoughts. She did not know the source of this immense pain, but she kept it to herself. She could not let her loyal subjects see how weak she is."

"Dark thoughts?" Hoist asked with a raised hand. Miss Anna nodded.

"I'll get there soon." She explains before carrying on.

"On the princess' 16th birthday, her father forced her to marry a prince from a neighboring kingdom. The princess hated the idea, but quietly went along as to not cause war between the two kingdoms. But that marriage was a horrible one! Her husband was abusive! He constantly harmed the princess! Not only did he do that, but he also planted lies into her head. Telling her how only he could love her. How everyone hated her and the only one she needed was him."

"That's horrible!!" Hotshot cries. "How could someone be so cruel?!"

"Well, it's just a story Hoist. I'm sure things like this don't happen in real life." Medix said hopefully.

"Actually, things like this happen everywhere and all the time." Miss Anna cut in. "And that is the main point of this story. Listen to this." She says, flipping to a new page.

"For too long, this abuse and pain had been going on. And the princess became fed up with it. So she took her own life." The recruits gasped.

"T-took her life?!" Wedge shouts. Miss Anna nods again.

"The princess' kingdom soon learned of this travesty and demanded their princess back. But the opposing kingdom fought back. Many months of war later, the kingdom behind the bumble brush grove succeeded. They then learned the truth to their beloved princess." Miss Anna stood up, closed the storybook, went to her bag, and grabbed another smaller book. Almost like a journal.

"With each passing day, my body gets weaker. My husband has no care for me, and I wish I was not here. I am sick of this life. I am sick of being mistreated, beaten, and starved. I wish to go home and be free from this madness! Or I shall free myself from it." Miss Anna closes the book and puts it back in her bag. The recruits look shocked and afraid. Miss Anna picks up her bag and slings it over her shoulder.

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