Still Into You Hotshot x (soulmate) Reader

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(A request made by my hotshot simpping friend. Also, i decided to make the reader pronouns "They/them" because I feel like I'm focusing on girls too much.)

Hotshot's P.O.V

Ugh!!! Class is so freaking boring! I wish it would end already. I have better things to do. Like playing cube, polishing my armor, playing cube, NOT doing this. Did I mention playing cube? Besides the fact, I have more imp-

"Hotshot!" I jumped and winced at the sudden jab in my side. I groaned and looked over at (Y/n). They looked at me with a "pay the heck attention" look. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Boulder then approached my desk.

"Are you ok Hotshot? You were making a bit of noise." He asked in concern.

"No. I'm fine. Thank you professor." Boulder nodded and then went to continue the lesson. Although, as the class dragged on, I felt eyes on me the whole time. Every now and again, I'd look around. But everyone's attention was up at the lesson. I must just be paranoid or something.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Class is over, thank primus. I didn't know if i'd be able to keep my systems from overloading. Just sitting next to him... the love of my life.... Oh get over yourself! He might not even like you... Not after what you did....

"(Y/n)!" I jumped and turned around. Whirl was running after me.

"O-oh! Whirl. What do you need?" She panted a little bit. Catching her breath.

"Y-you said that you wanted to study with me. But you left so quickly that i couldn't catch up." She explained.

"O-oh. I'm sorry. I forgot about that." You chuckled awkwardly.

"It's ok (Y/n). Now come on! Let's go to the lounge!"

"Right behind you."

(Mini skip)

Whirl's P.O.V

"Ok ok ok. So what about question 12?" I said. "What do you do when you are trapped in a tight and unstable space?" (Y/n) thought about it. They paced around the room a little bit. Giving a dramatic effect.

"Dang it, this one of the ones i never remember." They flopped on the couch in defeat. I chuckled.

"Well, you're supposed to-"

"Hold on. Do you hear that?" (Y/n) Asked. I stared at them in confusion. I looked around, listening for anything. I didn't hear anything though.

"I... Don't hear anything..." I mutter, looking back at (y/n). They stared in confusion.

"Really? You don't hear the humming?" I shook my head.

"Huh." They sighed. "Guess it's just me." They sat up and crossed their legs.

"Sure? Want me to get Medix to check it out?" I asked. They shook their head.

"No. I should be ok. The humming stopped anyway." They assured me. I half shrugged as (Y/n) pulled out a D-pad with the list of tasks.

"Ok. We need to read Chapter 38 of aquatic rescues." (Y/n) said.

"Really? Ok." I said, getting the very thick books from the shelf across the room. I tossed one at (Y/n) before getting one for myself.

"Thanks Whirl."

"No problem." We got into reading. I never knew aquatic rescues could be so interesting. I was getting buried in the book when I heard... Humming? No... Singing. I looked up to see (Y/n). They had put some headphones on and were singing some kind of song. I put my book down in my lap and watched them. I don't think they noticed that they were singing. It wasn't very loud, but i definitely heard it. Their voice was very beautiful! I wish i had a voice like theirs!

"Whirl? What are you looking at?" They asked, taking their headphones off.

"You." I replied. They gave off a weird face. I couldn't help but to laugh.

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