(Rba) Wedge x Reader (Somebody to you)

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"Today is the day! Today is the day I tell him! I WILL tell him!......." You leave your room to go find your crush, Wedge. You are determined to tell him that you're head over heels for him. You head out to the field, where wedge would normally be. You wondered around before you heard him. Following his voice, you can see him lifting weights. He was muttering the amount of times he lifted the giant dumbbell. You couldn't help but to dawn over him. They way he grunts when he lifts the bar, how strong he looks while doing it, it's was overwhelming!!

You go to take a few steps towards him, and your spark is racing! It's pounding so hard that it beats in your ears. You get nervous and freeze. Just watching him as he focuses on his lifting. Oblivious to your smaller frame. The pressure is too much and you end up running away.

"No! No! No I won't! I can't!" You shout at yourself once you're far enough away. Your faceplates are a bright BRIGHT blue. So bright that you're almost glowing. You run blindly until you make it to the garden. You dive into the bushes and curl up into a little ball. You try to contain and suppress your blush and nerves, but nothing works. The thought of wedge drove you insane.

"(Y/n)?" You jumped at the sudden voice. You turn around to see hoist and whirl pushing the bushes apart and looking at you. "What are you doing here?" Hoist asks with a confused face.

"N-nothing! I-just-I'm just.... Enjoying nature!" You say as a poor excuse. The pair look at eachother with knowing faces.

"You tried talking to wedge huh?" Whirl giggled. You looked at her with shocked eyes.

"H-how did-" You sputtered at the two giggled.

"Everyone knows (Y/n). Well, everyone but wedge himself that is." Hoist chuckles as the two climbed into the bushes with you. You cover your face in embarrassment.

"A-am I really that obvious?" You shyly ask.

"To wedge, no." Whirl giggles

"But to us remaining three, pretty much." Hoist says. You sigh in defeat.

"Why won't he notice me?" You pout as you rest your chin on your knees.

"Well, maybe you need to do something big and amazing! That'll do it!" Whirl suggested.

"But what if I mess up?! Even worse, what if he doesn't like me back?!" You dramatically shout. The pair look at each other and then back at you.

"You need to calm down (Y/n)! Over thinking isn't going to help." Hoist says as they hug you from either side. You huff.

"Overthinking got me this far." You half sass. Whirl and hoist were silent for a moment before they bust out laughing. You then slowly let go of your negative thoughts and started to laugh with them. You had completely forgotten your previous anger.

"Now come on! I have an idea!" Whirl says as she grabs your hand and runs off while dragging you along.

"Hey-Whirl! (Y/n)! Wait for me!" Hoist shouted as he jumped out of the bushes and ran after the two girls. By the time you, whirl and hoist got into the academy, the rescue alarm went off. The three forget about what they were doing previously and run to the ground bridge. Upon arrival, they find that the other three recruits are already there.

"Recruits, there was an avalanche up in the mountains. A family of Hikers is trapped in a cave. Your mission is to find the humans and bring them back safely." Professor heatwave says boldly.

"Yes sir!" The six shout as they run off into the ground bridge. On the other side, the recruits were met with ice and snow.

"Let's go find the hikers!" Hotshot says as he transformed into his jet form and took off. The others transformed into their vehicle modes before taking off as well.

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