Random cringe thing I found

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What do you do when you're bored? I go and look for all the cringiest shit I've ever done and cringe at it. And I'm here to share one of those cringe things I made when I was in about 6th or 7th grade.

Absolute C R I N G E, Terrible plot, Dumb drama

"BEE! PLEASE STAY WITH ME!!!!" I opened my optics..... But it was dark...... I couldn't see.... But I could hear........ And I could feel... it was cold... and I felt.... Pain..... I then felt something stab into my spark. Then I could see Megatron approach from the darkness.....
"Goodbye bug." He raised his sword up and slashed down.

"NO!" I shot up in bed completely fine. I was trying to calm myself down as I heard pedesteps coming towards me. The door shot open with the entire team falling to the floor. I looked at them confused.
"What are you guys doing?"
/"We heard you scream! Is there anything wrong?!"/ My sparkmate asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, promise. It's just a nightmare." Everyone sighed and left. Well, all except for three.
"A nightmare about what?" Asked Ratchet, the team medic.
"I can't remember everything, but I remember pain....... And.... I remember seeing Megatron....."
"Yeah.... He stabbed me in the spark..... And.. and....."
"And what?" asked my sire.
"I don't know why, but he called me bug.... Like he was referring to bee......." I watched as my sire and Ratchet exchanged worried looks. Then my sparkmate came and embraced me in a big hug.
/"I will protect you from Megatron. I will protect you from any kind of harm...."/ he whispered in my audio.
"Bee I don't think you can protect me from a dream." I kinda giggled.
/"So? I will still be there for you."/ He said and he pecked my cheek. I pulled Bee down as a wrench flew right over us.
"Ratchet!" we yelled at him.
"There will be NO smooching on my watch!"
We rolled our optics as we dodged another flying wrench. Then Ratchet walked out. I noticed that my sire had been extremely silent. I looked at him with a flat face, thinking that he'd go into over-protective sire mode. But he didn't.
"Sire? Are you ok?" I asked worriedly. His helm snapped up and looked at me. He just got up and left the room quietly.
/"What's up with him?"/ Bee asked. I tapped him on the cheek and he put on a sad face.
/"You hurt me."/ he overreacted. I giggled;
"Sorry bee, but don't say that."
/"Say what?"/
"You said 'What's his problem.' and that sounded rude."
"It's ok." I kissed him again.
"It's late bee. You should be going to bed."
"I will." and he pulled me closer and pretended to be in recharge.
"Bee, I meant to your own berth."
"But what if you have another nightmare? Who's gonna be there for you?" I wanted to fight back, but I couldn't find any words to say. He gave me a smug grin as I sighed in defeat.
"Fine, you can sleep with me," I mumbled cuddling into him. I could feel the smile on his face, as I drifted off into dreamland.

The next morning

When I woke, Bee wasn't in my berth with me. I sat up and stretched. I looked over at the door. It was open just a crack.
"Guess he left for patrol." I thought out loud. I walked over to the door. As I opened it, I felt a presence behind me. With my instincts kicking in and being blinded by fear, I round housed whomever it was. I opened my optics and saw smokescreen on the ground, helm in his servo.
"OMP, smokescreen I'm soooo sorry!! Are you ok!?"
"Ugh. Mercy you kick hard. I feel dizzy....." His frame swayed a little.
"Come on, let's go get you to Ratchet."
"Uhhh huuuuuuu????" I must have knocked some bolts loose or something. We got to the med bay, and Ratchet wasn't there. I know a few things about concussions, but not much.
"Uh ok..... Let's go over here." I said helping him onto a berth.
"Hey! Why you do dat!?" oh Primus, this is gonna kill me.

~3 hours later~
I finally got him to recharge. I walked out feeling tired.
¨I wasn't in there too long... why do I feel so tired?¨ I was now fighting to stay awake. I then bumped into something. I looked up to see my sire standing there.
¨Mercy? Are you alright?¨ He asked me worriedly.
¨I'm... I'm fine sire....¨ I barely managed to say. I felt myself sway.
"Mercy? Mercy!" I was consumed by darkness.

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