HeatWave x (abused!Child!) Reader

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[slight human cuss warning and obvious abuse/violence. If you do not like, then please read something else.]

{Thank you @Gryffindor450 for the request}

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birth day to mommy................ happy birthday to you." I blew out the candle on the small cupcake I had managed to save from my papa. My mommy loved cupcakes. So every time it's her birthday, I blow a candle for her.

"Get up here you fucking brat!!!" My papa screamed. I carefully set the cupcake down and ran into the living room. My papa was laying on the couch drinking his super coffee. He chugged the bottle he had in his hand.

"Get me another beer!!" He threw the empty bottle at me and I immediately ran over to the fridge and got another. My mind went back to when mommy was still here. Papa was really nice. He got me toys, and candy, and dresses. But when mommy was hurt and  went up, papa was mad. He yelled and hit me. It was scary. I don't even know if that is my papa.

"WhAt ThE FUCK aRe yoU DoiNG OvER thEre?!?!?!? GIve mE my FUckIng BEER!!!! Or ELse yOuer GOnnA gO intO THe ClOsEt!!!!!" I ran over and gave him the bottle. He yanked the cap off and began to chug that. I was about to run away, but papa pulled me by my hair.

"ANd whErE dO yOu thInK YOU're GoIng?!?!?"

"P-papa! Let go!! You're hurting me!!!" I screamed. He threw me across the room and I hit the counter with a cry of pain.

"Fucking asshole. Should have killed you a long time ago." I heard him mutter. I curled up into a ball and silently sobbed. I want my old papa back.

(Time Skip)

It was time for school. I didn't know how to do my hair, so I combed it out and left it down. I got my backpack and snuck out the door.

The walk was nice. But I didn't really have much strength to walk. I haven't had food in a week. When I made it to school, I saw no one there.

"Oh no! I'm late!!" I ran across the street quickly. But I didn't see the fire truck that was coming my way. Luckily, it missed me and I made it to the other side. Someone stomped up to me. I looked over half expecting papa. But it was the fireman. That meant that I was almost hit my a rescue bot.

"What the heck kid! What are you doing running into the road for?!" He demanded. I look away from him.

"Sorry." I whispered. He sighed and put his hand on my head. I look up at him.

"Be careful. We don't want you to get hurt. I nodded and ran into the school.

Heatwave's P.O.V

By Primus that little girl came out of nowhere!! Thankfully I JUST BARELY managed to swerve around her. Kade hopped back into the cabin.

"That kid is gonna get herself killed like her mother." I heard him mutter.

"What? What are you talking about?" I demanded. He sighed.

"Girl lost her mom to a car crash. Died two days after it. Don't know how she's doing now though." That shocked me. That five year old girl lost one of her parental units.

"But she's so young! Does she even-"

"Yes she does heatwave!! She was in the backseat when the crash happened!!" I was taken aback yet again. Sure Kade had snapped at me multiple times, but this one was different. I stayed silent and thought about the kid. I wonder what she's thinking right now.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

School is over. Nothing interesting happened. It was normal for once. I grabbed my backpack and walked out. I was walking down the street when something caught my eye. It was paper money! I grabbed it and saw that it was a five.

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