Saberhorn x OC

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A request from my friend. And apparently she wanted me x saberhorn. Which is weird for me.

My P.O.V

I was hunting down a con signal that I had picked up. I was watching the radar as I jumped through the trees silently. I approached the signal, and saw a purple and maroon beetle crawling towards some orange crystals. I waited for my time to strike. He chipped away at one of the crystals and transformed into his bipedal mode, and turned his back to me. I launched myself at him silently. But he turned around, and slashed his reapier at me. He missed, and I struck back. We fought feircly. But after a bit of fighting, I noticed that the slagging con was going easy on me. How dare he!? I pushed myself harder.

"Finally! A worthy apponent at last!" He exclaimed I'm that sweet accent of his. I felt my face heat up a bit. I activated my battle mask to hide it. He noticed this, and pinned me to the floor.

Saberhorn's P.O.V

She was distracted, and I took my chance. I knocked her down, and pinned her before she could even react. She started to squirm.

"Ah ah ah. You're not going anywhere." I said to her. She grunted and squirmed even more. I chuckled at her struggle.

"Quiet con! I'm gonna kick your aft when I get free!" She threatened.

"Oh I'm so scared." I teased her. As she continued to squirm, I took a look at her perfect frame. She was flawless.

"What are you looking at con!?" She snapped at me.

"Oh, just that perfect frame of yours." I chuckled. She froze, and her optics widened. She looked away from me.

"Shut up." She muttered, looking back up at me. I stared into her beautiful green optics, and she stared up into my yellow ones. She looked away from me again.

"Feisty aren't you?" I teased again.

"Stop trying to seduce me with that fraggin' accent of yours!!!" She yelled. I chuckled. So, she likes my accent huh? Well, I guess I'll have to go down that path then.

My P.O.V

I noticed that the con seemed to be starting off. I took my time to strike, and I kicked him off. I quickly got up and ran into the forest. When I got a few miles away from the con, I stopped to take a breath.

"Finally! I've escaped that-Ah!" I was launched into a tree, and got pinned once again.

"Frag." I cursed. He chuckled.

"You really thought you could escape me?" He taunted in that accent that drove me crazy. I felt my blush get hotter. I looked away from him again. But he put his digits on my chin and made me look at him. I looked up at him, and I noticed how close his face was to mine. My cooling fans then turned on. He chuckled again.

"You like me don't you?" He said forcing my mask back. I didn't fight back for some reason. He pulled my mask back all the way, and stared into my optics. My cooling fans were now on hyper drive. He got to close now.

"What is your name? I never got it." He asked suddenly.

"You don't need to know." I snapped back. I looked away again. But he made me face him again.

"Don't worry. I don't bite." He whispered into my audio. It sent shivers down my spine. He looked me in the optics once again. Then he crashed his lips onto mine. My optics widend in shock. But in time, my optics fluttered close. He released my arms, and wrapped his arms and my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I moaned in the kiss. I felt the con lick my bottom lip. I obviously denied him entry. But the sly con had a plan.

He slid his servo down my side. I shivered, but kept my mouth closed. But then he brushed against my aft. I moaned, but didn't let him in. He then slapped my aft. That got me to open up. I gasped, and he shoved his glossa into my mouth. We fought for dominance and I lost. His tongue searched every inch of my mouth. I moaned and leaned in farther. Suddenly, he broke the kiss. We looked each other in the optics as we panted heavily.

"Your lips are soft." He complimented. I pushed him away.

"Just stop." I said turning to walk away. He grabbed onto my fore arm.

"What?" I asked blandly. I turned to face him. Just as I did, he pulled me in for another kiss. It was short, but it was sweet.

"See you soon." He winked, transformed, and flew off. I stood there starting at him. Even when he was out of sight.

"Wait.... Soon?"

FRAG YOU CASEY!!!!!!!!!!(not her real name)

I'ma go suffer now.........

Peace peeps.
-Mercy 💙

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